Happy Birthday to The Master of Fancy Footwork!

We wanted to take a long, solid pause today to wish a big old happy birthday to the master of fancy footwork on a snowboard, and many other incredible qualities, the man, the myth, the legend - none other than Scott Stevens! Scott Stevens is 39 years old today and boy does he make it look good.

Scott Stevens is a renowned snowboarder who has left an indelible mark on the sport. With his innovative and creative style, he has redefined what is possible on a snowboard. Known for his technical prowess and fearless approach, Stevens effortlessly blends skateboarding and snowboarding influences into his riding. His ability to seamlessly combine technical tricks with unique lines and unmatched creativity sets him apart. A true pioneer, Stevens has inspired a generation of riders with his inventive approach to urban and freestyle snowboarding. With his infectious passion and unmatched talent, Scott Stevens continues to push the boundaries and elevate the sport to new heights.