A beginner's guide to palm reading

a beginner's guide to palm reading
How to read your palmHearst Owned

If you've ever wondered about reading your palm, or how to read someone else's palm, here's an easy beginner's guide to everything you need to know.

Palmistry (also referred to as cheirognomy, cheirology or cheiromancy - from the Greek word cheir meaning hand) is an ancient art going right back to Stone Age folk (palm prints have been discovered in cave paintings). The earliest verified references come from Indian literature in the Vedic period (c. 2000 bc) abd in the works of Aristotle (384-322 bc). Yeah, old.

Why should I read my hand?

Humans have always been fascinated with hand markings and shapes but from a scientific point of viw, there are thousands of nerve endings in your hands which maintain direct contact with your brain via a two-way traffic of impulses along the nerves. Therefore, the lines and markings on your hands are thought to show a mirror-image of your personality, inner workings, emotions, and potential. Everyone’s hands are unique.

“Lines are not written in to the human hand without reason; they emanate from heavenly influences and man’s own individuality.”– Aristotle

What should I be looking at?

In short - everything! To do a full, proper, in-depth palm reading you need to analyse every aspect of the physicality of your hands - the shape, palm sections, texture, hair, finger length and spacing, thumb length and spacing, flexibility, fingernail shape, mounts, lines, and marks. It’s a lot. And, like a birth chart, every aspect is important and adds something to the conclusion influenced by the other observations. Your full analysis is more than just a sum of parts.

How do I learn palmistry?

If this is a practice that appeals to you (I think palmistry is a great divination tool for Earth signs who like to get practical and tangible, and for those possessing glimmers of clairtangency, the ability to ‘read’ objects or people via touch) then take a print of your palm and start studying. There are many books and resources to help you learn the full intricacies of building up a reading.

Getting started

For the purpose of this piece, we are going to zoom in on a few of the ‘biggies’ so that you can whet your appetite and perhaps learn a little bit about your inner nature and potential.

Which hand should I look at?

Both! Your dominant (right, for most people) will show your present personality and achievements / use of talents - like a snapshot of where you’re at right now and what your future might be, and your passive hand (left, for most people) will reveal the potential you were born with - a snapshot of where you started, your hereditary, childhood, and intuitive traits.

Start by assessing your hand shape

Next, familiarise yourself with your hand shape. It will correspond to one of the four elements: Fire, Earth, Air, and Aater. Although the hand traits are linked to the same traits in astrological elements, you won’t necessarily have a fire hand if you’re a fire sign, and so on.

Square palm and short fingers = Earth hands

Practical, conscientious, good with hands (great musician), loves the outdoors, doesn’t naturally like or seek change.

Long palm and short fingers = Fire hands

Inspirational, risk-taking, high energy, resourceful, loves performing and influencing, not great on the details or follow-through.

Square palms and long fingers = Air hands

Scientific, intellectual, creative, articulate, needs mental stimulus, loves the realm of ideas, can be a little brusque and aloof.

Long palms and long fingers = Water hands

Caring, intuitive, empathetic, creative, expressive, loves working in roles which help other people, can be disorganised and chaotic.

Hand span and position

Hold your hand in a relaxed position in front of you and assess which type of hand span and finger position matches your own.

  • Fingers held stiffly together - tendency to be suspicious of others, prefers own company, naturally wary.

  • Evenly spaced fingers – all-rounder, well balanced personality, can turn their hand to literally anything.

  • Well-separated fingers – confident, independent, restless, eager to do their own thing.

  • Wide gaps between all fingers – open-hearted, very trusting, wears heart on their sleeve.

  • Widest space between thumb and first finger – generous, social, open-minded, outgoing.

  • Widest space between first and second fingers – wise, shrewd, keeps own counsel, independent.

  • Widest space between second and third fingers – carefree, cavalier, funny, easygoing.

  • Widest space between third and fourth fingers – innovative, eccentric, inventive, original.

  • Fourth (little) finger very separated from others – can isolate themselves and struggle to connect with others, an outlier personality.

Analysing your palm lines

This is the aspect of palmistry most people think of and, once again, there is a lot to it. You need to identify and probe the length, depth, intersections, markings and curvature of the lines. The following is a starter-for-ten to help whet your appetite.

how to read your palm what do the different lines mean
Hearst Owned

The Head line

This line is about intellect, belief, creativity, discipline, and wisdom - the level of intelligence, breath of understanding and awareness, and what use this is put to. The longer the line, the greater significance your intellect will have in your life and realm.

The Heart line aka the Love line

The highest horizontal line on the palm is the heart line which reveals your disposition towards romance, friendship, spirituality, and handling feelings (the depth denotes the importance of relationships and the length matches the time spent in a committed pairing).

Breaks in the line reflect heartbreaks. There’s much debate as to whether you can ‘time’ events here. Broadly, find the line’s midpoint and this will be you at 40. Divide the remainder of the line by 5-year increments (the outer palm is the start of the line).

A curved or semi-circular Heart Line denotes a warm and loving nature. A straight line suggests someone who approaches love and relationships with a logical and rational mindset.

The Life line

Located underneath the head line, this line shows the key life events, energy, health, and vitality levels you experience through your time. It is NOT about how long you’re going to live, or how you might die. Do not fear.

A strong, deep line is associated with good health and stamina, while a faint or broken line may suggest health issues or periods of low energy.

The Fate line

The fate (or destiny) line runs vertically from the base of the palm up towards the middle finger. This line changes the most often, of all of the creases. It represents your career path and success, and how much those areas will be impacted by external events. A strong line usually indicates a clear sense of purpose and progress. A faint or broken line mean a lack of direction or obstacles to overcome.

The Sun line

The sun (or apollo) line runs vertically from the base of the palm up towards the ring finger. It represents your public face, legacy and level of fame or recognition (your time ‘in the sun’). A deep line shows powerful creative ability and the potential for fame. However, a faint or broken line may suggest a lack of focus or doubt.

For more professional tarot readings, visit Kerry's TarotBella page (www.tarotbella.etsy.com)

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