Hannah Brown Fully Just Shaded Jed Wyatt During ‘Bachelor: Listen to Your Heart’

From Cosmopolitan

Good morning, The Bachelor: Listen to Your Heart is currently the only thing getting me through social isolation. Mostly due to the fact that it’s already *extreme Chris Harrison voice* The Most! Dramatic! Show! Ever! The season premiere was predictably messy and insane, partially because producers managed to find Jed Wyatt’s long-lost twin (aka Trevor Holmes), shoved him in Jed’s signature jacket, and expected the internet...not to notice? But, like, this was the situation on Twitter last night, so:

Anyway, Tyler Cameron spent most of the episode trolling Jed (to the point where Jed unfollowed him), but apparently, Hannah Brown was also shook by how much Trevor Holmes looks like her ex. Not only did Hannah tweet that she was “triggered by this whole thing....”

But fans caught her Liking (and then swiftly un-Liking) a tweet saying it was time to go get un-triggered in Jupiter. Ya know, where Tyler Cameron is? Who she’s kinda-sorta-maybe-clearly dating?

Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram

Cuuuuuuute. Also, on the off chance you aren’t all caught up with Tyler and Hannah's whole thing, they spent several long weeks living together while in quarantine, and the entire world—by which I mean Bachelor Nation—thinks they’re together. Neither Hannah or Tyler have commented on their relationship status, but the evidence is definitely there, sooooo.

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