How to Handle Any Prom Fashion Emergency Like a Champ — YouTube Experts Weigh In

POV: You're snoozing and dreaming about living out your prom dreams on the dance floor while the DJ plays a fire remix, and then you look down to realize that your bra strap snapped, your heel cracked, and your dress is totally sheer. 😱

While it’s pretty improbable that your entire outfit falls apart as you break it down to a Jack Harlow song, fashion emergencies happen to the best of us so it can't hurt to be prepared. Put down the heavy-duty duffle and tool kit, though — equipping yourself for any ~promergencies~ (yes, we just made that up) comes down to a few life hacks and some purse-sized supplies.

We tapped expert stylists Bernadet Davood and Elisabeth Kassab as well as fashion designer Gunnar Deatherage and confidence and relationship coach Taty Cokley for tips and tricks to help you fix your prom emergencies in a pinch. Scroll to find solutions to your style problems, along with what to pack in your prom emergency kit.

Problem: Your heels are hurting your feet

Solution: Moleskin and blister bandaids

Moleskin is a stylist's secret for fixing up painful shoes in a pinch. "It's a cushion material you can stick onto your feet to prevent blisters, or for pain relief if you already have a blister," explains Kassab. The stick-on fabric usually comes in larger sheets that you can cut into smaller pieces of any size. "I take a small package of moleskins with me no matter where I go," adds Deatherage.

You can add extra cushion under your toes and heels with gel inserts, or pad the back of your foot with blister bandaids. And don't forget to wear your heels before prom night — stretch 'em out with socks and practice walking with them on concrete and grass to avoid any last-minute shoe issues.

We fully support kicking off those heels by the end of the night, but Cokley recounts the dangers of going barefoot at her own prom. "For my first prom I didn't pack roll-up flats, and the girls with heels were stepping on my bare feet with their feels," she says. "Truly a nightmare and ruined my best moves on the dance floor!"

Cokley emphasizes that there's no shame in bringing a pair of back-up flats, but suggests that numbing spray or cream can alleviate pain from shoes that pinch. "You can use cooling spray on your feet beforehand. And if all else fails, switch your weight from hip to hip to relieve pain from each foot temporarily," says Cokley.

Problem: You accidentally smeared makeup on your dress

Solution: Makeup remover

You're slipping on your gown and it rubs against your face, leaving a smear of foundation and lipstick on the fabric. Eeeek!

Don't freak out — there are a couple of ways to remove any trace of your beat. Act quickly to avoid letting the stain set, and dab an oil-free makeup remover onto the stain. Or, use a makeup wipe for the same effect. You can also try dishwashing liquid soap or rubbing alcohol for lipstick stains.

For foundation marks, Cokley recommends mixing baking soda, dish detergent, and cold water into a spray bottle. "Spray some onto the stain, let it sit with a handkerchief on top for 10 minutes, and it should be all gone," she explains. "The mixture will lift the stain and transfer it over to the cloth."

Problem: There's a chance you might get your period during prom

Solution: Period undies

If you're worried that Aunt Flo might visit mid-slow dance, pop on a pair of period underwear for some extra piece of mind. These absorbent undies look no different than any other underwear and our favorite seamless pairs won't show under your dress.

Problem: Your suit or dress is wrinkly

Solution: A steamer and a sock (yes, a sock)

All you need to de-wrinkle your outfit is a handheld steamer. And if you're worried about getting water marks on the fabric, Kassab explains that all you need is an item you totally already own — socks.

"If you're about to head out the door for pictures but want to do one last quick steam, to prevent getting water marks on your dress I always put a sock over the front of the steamer," Kassab spills. "I know it sounds crazy, but it works every time!"

Problem: You just got your dress in the mail, and it's totally sheer

Solution: A slip, shorts, or bodysuit

Stylist Bernadet Davood has two suggestions. "You can embrace the sheer dress and wear a fun bra and biker shorts underneath, or opt for a simple fitted slip dress — Skims or Spanx make great options for this." Depending on your dress code, a simple matching set or camisole dress will do the trick.

Problem: Your zipper is stuck and you can't get it up

Solution: Chapstick

"If the zipper is just stuck, smear some chapstick on both sides and slide it right up," notes Cokley. "But if the whole zipper breaks, use a paper clip and loop it through the zipper. Then you'll be able to pull it up properly."

Problem: You're worried about sweat stains

Solution: Underarm pads

Davood shares that stick-on underarm pads will ensure that your sweat won't soak through your dress. "They're great if you're prone to sweating because you can throw an extra pair or two in your bag and swap them out as needed," she explains.

And if you're in need of a quick sweat stain fix, head to the bathroom. "Use the hand dryer, girl!" emphasizes Cokley. "You can even dab a bit of water on the sweat stain before drying it."

Problem: Your dress is super static-y

Solution: Hairspray

"If you're wearing a slinky dress that has a tendency to cling, spray it down with some static guard or lightweight hairspray, but make sure to do it from a distance so you don't stain your dress," explains Deatherage.

You can also use a laundry essential that you probably have at home to minimize static. "Use a good old dryer sheet and rub the inside of the dress down before you put it on," Cokley shares.

How to pack your emergency kit 🆘

Besides your prom ticket and your phone, you might want to stock up on a few essentials to keep on hand just in case of any mid-prom emergencies. You can put together a little emergency kit packed with things like stain remover or extra double-sided tape and keep it in your purse. Here are some suggestions of what you might want to include in your kit:

  • Safety pins

  • Bobby pins

  • Makeup wipes

  • Tide To-Go pen

  • Roll-up flats

  • Mini sewing kit

  • Boob tape

  • Perfume

  • Deodorant

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