Halloween Costume Watch 2019: This Schitt's Creek Costume Takes the Crown

Do you have a Halloween costume yet? Personally, it&aposs not even dark yet on this year&aposs All Hallows&apos Eve, but I already know I need not read any Halloween costume photo gallery roundup blogs tomorrow morning of the year&aposs best celebrity attempts. That&aposs because the competition was called off on Thursday afternoon, which is when Canadian journalist Sarah Leavitt appeared live on TV as Dr. Clara Mandrake from The Crows Have Eyes III.

Before you hop on Shudder looking for the movie (which, for the record, I would absolutely watch), it is unfortunately not real. The half-avian scientist Clara Mandrake is a role undertaken by Moira Rose (Catherine O&aposHara) on the deeply beloved sitcom Schitt&aposs Creek, created by Canadian legend Dan Levy. It&aposs niche as hell, and perfect when paired with Leavitt&aposs deadpan, professional reporting on the Montreal city government&aposs decision to postpone Halloween due to challenging weather conditions. I am forever endeared to this image of a professional woman doing her job reporting on municipal technicalities, all the while dressed as a mutant human/crow hybrid from a fake horror threequel, which O&aposHara&aposs character cheerfully spins as "a timely allegory about prejudice," at one point.

O&aposHara spoke to Vulture about Clara Mandrake earlier this year, saying:

“There was a lot of talk about how much beak,” O’Hara says, chuckling again. She learned how much changing your nose changes your face while working on SCTV, so it was important they all agreed on what stage Dr. Mandrake was at in her transformation. “For me, anything in the visuals has got to be organic to the character, serving the script, and funny,” she explains, “and at the same time, if possible, it’s gotta be kinda either weirdly attractive or weirdly cool.”

Anyway have fun tonight dressing up in your Halloween costume as Popeye or Waldo and overpaying for garbage IPAs in a crowded bar or whatever. You won&apost have as good a time as this CBC journalist, some feathers haphazardly hot-glued to her shirt, standing out in the rain.

Originally Appeared on GQ