HalfCabKing Shares Cheap Trick To Learn How To Snowboard

Snowboarding, skiing, and just about any sports involving snow aren't cheap to learn, particularly if you're an adult trying to manage rent, insurance, and other essential payments.

However, according to snowboarder and internet personality David Muther -- aka HalfCabKing -- all you really need to learn the fundamentals of snowboarding is 40 bucks and an empty patch of pavement.

These sorts of tips are huge. As I noted before, skiing and snowboarding will hurt your wallet no matter how you slice it.

But these costs are semi-manageable if you've already got the gear, know where to look for deals, and plan in advance to account for a pass purchase in the summer.

Beginners interested in snowboarding or skiing don't have these advantages.

It's hard to commit to buying a pass if you want to try snowsports out, and the costs of building an entire kit -- boots, helmet, goggles, outwear, snowboard, bindings -- are downright prohibitive for most.

I can safely say that if all my gear, which I've slowly accrued over the past ten years, disappeared, I'd be stuck using Goodwill skis from the 80s for a season or two while my finances recovered. Similarly, I could 100% not afford to ski as much as I do if I bought lift tickets every time I went.

This tip sidesteps these concerns, offering an affordable stepping stone for beginners hoping to avoid the numerous cost gateways tied to snow sports. The humble Ripstick is more than a kids' toy, apparently.

And, based on the comments section of David's post, it works.

"This is how I was able to pick up snowboarding so fast. I've ridden a ripstick my whole life. Those skills transferred directly to snowboarding," wrote one commenter.

"Facts. Been ripstiking my whole life. Couldn't snowboard… made the mental connection one time and started snowboarding immediately," said another.

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