Haim’s New Video Is Peak Summertime Style

Haim posted to Instagram two days ago to announce a new song called “Summer Girl,” which the band just recorded a few weeks ago. As singer Danielle Haim explained on Instagram, while the Lou Reed-inspired song came together quite quickly, she wrote it a few years ago when her partner was diagnosed with cancer (he has since recovered). “I wanted to be this light that shined on him when he was feeling very dark. I wanted to be his hope when he was feeling hopeless,” she said, which eventually led her to the bright “summer girl” refrain.

The song’s new video, directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, brings to life this positive spirit. The Haim sisters each start off the visual dressed in wintry garments—Danielle leaves her studio dressed in a fur-lined puffer, while Este is wearing a trench coat with a red turtleneck underneath—but as the simple storyline continues, they slowly peel off layer upon layer of clothing (in sisterly fashion, they sometimes even take off each other’s pieces). At the very end of the video, after they’ve pulled off countless sweaters, jackets, and T-shirts, they’re all left in peak summertime outfit—think denim cutoffs, gingham bras, and bright red tube tops. The song might have some somber underpinnings, but Haim manage to end it all in cheerful style.

See the videos.

Originally Appeared on Vogue