How to Hack Your Grill Into a Smoker (Whether It's Gas or Charcoal!)

How to Hack Your Grill Into a Smoker (Whether It's Gas or Charcoal!)

How to Hack Your Grill Into a Smoker (Whether It's Gas or Charcoal!)

Love smoky grilled foods but not really looking to spend the cash on a smoker?

Guess what? If you have a grill — either a charcoal grill or a gas grill — you can hack it into a smoker!

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And we entrusted two serious pros to show us how it's done: two members of the first family of smoked meats, Robbie and Hunter Shoults of the Bear Creek Smokehouse in Texas!

(Look at those cowboy hats!)

"The main thing you want to remember [when you're smoking] is indirect heat," says Robbie.

And this is how you get it for your grill!

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1. Get an aluminum pan and place it next to the coals.
2. Fill it halfway with water which helps to regulate the temperature and keep everything moist.
3. Place the meat on the cool side.
4. The meat needs to stay at a constant 225 degrees, so you will have to adjust vents at the top and bottom probably every 15 to 20 minutes.

Note: You can also put wood right on top of the charcoal or even use wood instead of charcoal.

And there you have it! How's THAT for a double-duty tip?

Thanks, boys!