How To Hack The Exclusive Churro Frappuccino At Starbucks

From Delish

We already knew that Starbucks drinks around the world put American frappuccinos to shame. There's the amazing orange-honeycomb frapp in Indonesia and the lemon meringue frapp from the U.K. But there's a brand new international drink that's going viral on social media because it tastes exactly like the dessert that inspired it.

It's the cinnamon-y churro frappuccino and it's only available in Latin America. Most Starbucks fans that have gotten their hands on the coveted drink have done so in Mexico-and have professed their love obsession on Twitter and Instagram.

Great question, Alyssa. If you ask us, this drink should be available at Starbucks locations worldwide. Because yes, it's that good. But we have some good news: We figured out how to hack this frapp so you can order it no matter what country you're in. Here's the secret behind the coveted churro frappuccino:

  1. Order a vanilla bean frappuccino with pumps of cinnamon dolce syrup and white mocha syrup-plus powdered cinnamon-blended into it.

  2. Ask for whipped cream with both a caramel drizzle on top and a dusting of cinnamon.

  3. Instagram it and tag #churrofrappuccino. Because obviously.

There are other ways to jazz up this frappuccino if your location happens to be stocked with extra ingredients. Starbucks Melody suggests getting the cinnamon ribbon crunch blended into the vanilla bean as well and also asking for cinnamon dolce sprinkles on top instead of straight powdered cinnamon.

Oh, and just so you know, you might get handed a cup with what looks like a convoluted math equation scrawled on it.

Photo credit: Rheanna O'Neil Bellomo
Photo credit: Rheanna O'Neil Bellomo

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