Hack: The Best Way to Film A Snowboard Trick

Thomas Feurstein takes us on a wild ride, proving that all you need is a 360 cam and a touch of madness.

As Thomas fearlessly launches himself off a cornice, his loyal filmer, equipped with the latest in gravity-defying technology, hurls the 360 cam down the slope beside him. Suddenly, it's like being in the Matrix! The camera captures every twist and turn, giving us the ultimate wide-angle follow cam effect.

But alas, every great adventure has its challenges. Just when we're about to witness the perfect landing, disaster strikes! The camera, caught in the excitement, plunges into the snowy abyss, leaving us craving more. It's the world's shortest yet most suspenseful shot—blink and you'll miss it!

So, folks, while we can't guarantee the perfect landing shot, we can guarantee jaw-dropping excitement, unintentional disappearing acts, and a good dose of laughter. Thomas Feurstein's 360-Cam Hack is the epitome of improvisation, reminding us that even in the snowiest of situations, the show must go on!

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