Gypsy Rose Blanchard and Her Husband Adopt an Adorable Puppy

Gypsy Rose Blanchard, a Munchausen by proxy syndrome victim and advocate, and her husband Ryan Scott Anderson, recently added to their family with the adoption of the cutest little puppy ever, an 8-week-old Malchi puppy.

The couple made the announcement via Instagram to Blanchard's 8 million followers along with a plea any new puppy parent can relate to, advice on potty training!

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Blanchard says in the vide, "So I want to introduce you guys to someone very special, " before holding up the little black and white puppy."

"This is Pixie, she is an eight week old Malchi puppy , she is a sweetheart and she's all ready spoiled rotten."

Related: Cute Video Proves That Puppies Truly Can Buy Happiness

“We went to PetSmart, bought everything she could possibly need,” she added, before showing a picture of the puppy sleeping on her new bed with puppy training pads next to the bed. I think finally getting rids of the puppy training pads was one of the happiest days in my own house, and Blanchard said in her Instagram post that "any tips on potty training would be great!"

Ask and ye shall receive!

Tips On Potty Training Your New Puppy

Puppies that are younger than 12-16 weeks of age don't have a lot of bladder control yet, but you can still start taking them outside at specific times to get them used to the idea that where they do their business is outside.

Crates are fantastic for potty training. Even though it's super hard to listen to your puppy whining in their crate, if you can't be policing them at that exact moment they should be in their crate. The idea is that dogs hate dogs hate sitting in their own urine and will do everything to alert you that it's time to go, like scratching their kennel floor, whining or barking. That's when you spring into action and take them outside.

PetHelpful has an excellent training guide for how to Potty Train Your Puppy in Seven Days. On day one, you need to establish a regular feeding schedule that you’ll be able to stick with. A consistent eating schedule, with no food between meals, is key to establishing a consistent potty routine.

When your puppy voids outside, praise is incredibly important and offering a delicious treat will reinforce to your fur baby that going outside bring fabulous treats and lots of praise and cuddles!

You should take your new puppy out at least every hour, first thing in the morning and before they go to bed at night, after meals, and after a play session.

Use the same terminology every time, either "Go potty!' or whatever works for you. That way your new puppy will associate those words with what he has to do.

Potty training is one of the most frustrating and messy aspects of puppy rearing, but this phase won't last forever. Next you get to work on not having them chew on everything in sight!

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