Gwyneth Paltrow Celebrates In Goop Health in New York City Ahead of the Grammy Awards

The Academy Award–winning actress and lifestyle guru hosted her wellness summit in her hometown during Grammys weekend.

Last night, Pier 17 at the Seaport District in New York City was calm. Despite the flurry of activity surrounding tonight’s Grammy Awards—which is returning to New York City after 15 years—Gwyneth Paltrow and her team at Goop created a world focused on driving energy and efforts towards mindfulness and healthy living. Paltrow’s In Goop Health summit first kicked off in Los Angeles this past June, which saw actress Cameron Diaz join designer Tory Burch and fitness guru Tracy Anderson as panelists on subjects ranging from mental health to postpartum issues. And yesterday’s conference in New York was equally as engaging. “I love the venue,” said Paltrow, dressed in a Co top, Goop label skirt (“It’s coming out soon!”), and Veronique Branquinho boots (“From the ’90s”). The actress and lifestyle mogul chose the location for its natural light and sweeping views of the water. “You have the intensity of it being filled with New Yorkers,” added Paltrow with a laugh.

Inside, stations featuring delectable bites from John Fraser’s popular vegan boîte Nix sat alongside haute coffee brews from La Colombe. But Paltrow has her favorites. “I love Moon Juice,” said the beaming founder, adding, “I’m very into adaptogenics.” However, Paltrow conceded that Goop and her team still have a ways to go to change mindsets on health and wellness. “We’re very lucky to be in New York City or Los Angeles, where women are incredibly empowered,” added Paltrow. “There’s still certain areas of the world that it would be great to empower some women and kick down a few doors.” Any future places she’d like to take her summit to? “The Middle East, Japan, or the South,” said Paltrow. “[Places] where women maybe still have some societal constraints.” As for herself, Paltrow has been working on her own 2018 resolution to get more sleep. “I’ve been pretty good,” said the actress with a smile, “I’ve carved out little bits of time for myself. I still have a bit further to go [but] I think I’m making progress.” And no doubt, with glowing and Goop-approved results.

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