You Guys, We Officially Know the French Word for ‘Muggle’

As avid Harry Potter fans, we try to incorporate wizard vernacular into our conversations on the reg. So imagine our excitement when Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald director, David Yates, revealed the French word for “muggle.”

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them taught us the non magical are called “no-maj” stateside and, according to Yates, the French call common folk “non-magique.” Clever and très chic, no?

The director offered further details on the magical community in France, saying, “[The wizarding world in Paris is] quite glamorous, it’s quite beautiful. There’s a community that lives alongside the muggle community, it’s much freer than in New York, where there’s segregation. Paris is a bit like England, actually, not so hung up about the differences between the two. Magical people can freely move into non-magical communities as long as they’re discrete about their talents…”

The five planned Fantastic Beasts films will reportedly take place in different cities around the world, meaning that by the end of this franchise, we’ll be polyglots. Go us...

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