This Guy Returned A $4.8 Million Check To Haribo & All They Gave Him In Return Was Gummies

rainbow worms
Man Finds Lost Check, Rewarded With Gummy BearsLindsey Ramsey

It's not every day that you casually stumble upon a check that's worth nearly $5 million, but that's exactly what happened recently to a man from Frankfurt, Germany. As if the incredible find wasn't bizarre enough, the €4,631,538 ($4.8 million) check from a supermarket chain was made out to Haribo, the maker of gummies like Goldbears, Sour Streamers, Rainbow Worms, and other treats.

German news outlet Bild reports that the man, 38-year-old Anouar G, found the check at a local train station. After reaching out to Haribo about it, he was asked to destroy the check.

If, for instance, the check was found by someone less honest, a Haribo rep said that they'd have no luck cashing it anyway.

"Whilst we recognised that this was a crossed cheque that could not be deposited by anyone but the company this was addressed to, we were grateful that Mr Anouar took the time to contact us and we were pleased to share a sweet gesture with him as a thank you," said a spokesperson for Haribo while speaking with Fox Business.

For his trouble, Anouar G received a package from Haribo: a box filled with six packs of Haribo products. Let's just say that he was less than impressed with the reward, telling Bild, "I thought that was a bit cheap."

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