Is this guy actually a time traveler? The internet thinks so

A Twitter user named Drew Curtis made a bold prediction back in 2015 and now it looks like he might’ve been right all along.Curtis, who is the founder of news aggregation site, tweeted on Dec. 31, 2015, that he was “a time traveler from 2020” .In his post, he also told people to enjoy 2016, since that year was “as good as it gets for [a while]”.On May 1, he recirculated his original message, noting that it “aged well,” and has so far received more than 675,000 likes.Even if Curtis’ claim that he is a time traveler is a joke, people can’t help but ask him questions about the future.Sadly for the believers, Curtis has admitted that he isn’t a time traveler.He explained that he isn’t actually a time traveler, but instead uses his skills as a news aggregator to deduce