Guide's video shows grizzly bears stalking Canadian hikers along trail days before fatal attack

 Grizzly bear in Canada.
Grizzly bear in Canada.

A Canadian tour guide has shared a video of a grizzly bear and her cub following a group of hikers along a trail in Canada. The video, posted on TikTok by CNN, was recorded by a member of the group at Banff National Park just days before a couple and their dog were killed by a grizzly there, but shows a much more typical encounter and demonstrates the best way to act in such a situation.

Banff is home to both black and grizzly bears, and hikers may come across one any time, but attacks on humans are rare. The grizzlies Nicholson and her party encountered were simply trying to get from one point to another, but the one that attacked the campers last week was found to be an older animal, in poor health and unusually aggressive.

The guide, Phoebe Nicholson, said it was intense but amazing to see two grizzlies up close. She explained that wild animals often use man-made trails as they are the easiest way to get from A to B, and although the cub made a few short bluff charges, she kept the group calm.

"From my training, I know that that is a normal thing," Nicholson said. "The best thing to do is, of course, to stay calm and keep a slow, slow pace, so that's exactly what we did."

Travelling in a group is one of the best ways to keep yourself safe in bear country. As Parks Canada explains, "Larger size groups are less likely to have a serious bear encounter. We recommend hiking in a tight group of four or more. Never let children wander."

Hiking together also makes it easier to talk among yourselves and make enough noise to warn bears and other wildlife that you are approaching, giving them time to leave the area first.

Keep yourself safe

If you come across a bear, Parks Canada advises you to stay calm and prepare to use your bear spray, but never run. If the animal hasn't spotted you, move away quietly without getting its attention. If it has seen you, you should speak to it calmly and firmly to let it know that you are not a prey animal, and back away slowly.

For more advice, see our guides what to do if you meet a bear and wildlife safety: eight tips for unexpected encounters.