Guest Column: What's the problem of plastic and how we can prevent it

Plastic pollution is a severe problem around the globe as it continues to harm our environment and daily lives. But what are our city and state doing to help fix this global issue?

Globally, the world produces 350 million tons of plastic per year, and 5% of our waste ends up in the ocean. That is 17,500,000 tons of plastic. China, the leading producer of plastic, manufactures about 80.1 million tons yearly. Coke and Pepsi products produce millions of pounds of plastic.

There is nowhere that you can go where you won’t see plastic pollution. Scientists believe that plastic has even made it to the bottom of the Mariana Trench and places that we have yet to explore. That is what is tragically heartbreaking.

But it isn’t just sea animals who are getting harmed. Most people may not realize this, but we humans consume about 0.1-0.5 grams of plastic a week through water, shellfish, fish, salt, beer, and honey.

“This estimation of the average rate of microplastic ingestion can form the basis of a human health risk evaluation,” according to 360 Info.

Most people ingest microplastics by drinking bottled water, which is a result of the way it is packaged and processed. But plastics are also found in raw water too.

These particles that enter our bodies circulate, which could contain 10,000 different chemicals. This can lead to endocrine disorders, cardiovascular and reproductive problems, diabetes, cancer, and obesity.

Places with less dependence on plastics, better waste management, quality water, and good policies might be at less risk of health complications compared to developing countries.

But further data is needed to prove this possibility as scientists are still researching where these plastics come from, and how they damage our bodies. But what can the planet do in hopes of preventing this miserable situation?

Finding a solution

Even in this spiral of plastic, there is a possibility we can solve the problem. Recycling is a great way to help the environment. Food, styrofoam, diapers, and items that have touched food cannot be recycled. If food touches any of the products that could be recycled, then it has to be thrown away.

Plastic bags cannot be put in your recycling bin at home, but they can be brought to the store and put in the proper recycling bins to be taken care of the right way.

Flexible plastic, hoses, and ropes should not be recycled as well. Hoses and ropes can get caught in machinery, which can break the machines and hurt the workers. If it’s in good enough condition, you should try to donate it.

Bottles, cans, and brown bags can be recycled but try to rinse out the cans and bottles so that they may be recycled.

But what is our city, Ames, doing to help with the plastic problems?

There are some plastics that cannot be recycled, so Ames developed a catalyst, a system that breaks down these plastics and polymers into chemicals.

The lubricant that is made for this process is less harmful but works the same as others.

Moving on from Ames, the entire state of Iowa is working to help fix the problem too. They have found ways to break down plastic or create new materials from the plastic. Iowa found ways to make things like picnic tables, and decks out of plastic. Making them out of plastic means that you don’t have to paint it or stain it.

They have discovered ways to utilize our resources and stop plastic from going into the oceans and harming us more. They have recycled more than 6 million pounds, and have stopped 4.5 million milk jugs from going into the landfills or the environment.

There are also other ways to help with the plastic problem in other states and countries.

California works with the plastic industry instead of cleaning up the plastic industry’s mess to reduce and recycle plastic.

Government action

Senate Bill 54 of California reduces single-use plastic by 25% and protects the environment, waters, and community. Producers also have to pay $5 billion dollars to the fund and are responsible for improving California’s recycling and composting infrastructure. However, recycling is still not enough to keep up with California’s plastic growth.

Germany is taking it another way with “Pfand”. Pfand is a system that collects plastic bottles from people who bought them. First, a customer buys the bottle and is charged a little extra. Once they are done with the drink, they can return to the store to get their deposit back.

This system encourages people to recycle plastic bottles and companies to use biodegradable products, creating a more sustainable environment.

Overall, plastic pollution is hurting our planet every day. But the world is trying to help fix the problem, including small cities like Ames. People have found ways to change plastic, whether it be things like recycling, or creating something new out of it. All of these ideas are our steps to get closer to fixing this global issue.

Molly Iverson and Tongdan are seventh graders at the Ames Middle School.

This article originally appeared on Ames Tribune: Guest Column: What's the problem of plastic and how we can prevent it