Guess Who Visited Chris Benchetler's Studio This Week

Chris Benchetler is a California-based professional skier and artist, the creative director of Atomic skis, and the man behind the film Fire on the Mountain. 

“Mother Nature was and continues to be my best teacher!” Benchetler asserts. This certainly came full circle when a strange guest visited his studio recently. Watch below.

Benchetler's art, as he stated, is often nature-inspired. His work is stylized, often psychedelic in nature, which likely comes from a life spent outside skiing and surfing. It's hard not to feel moved by your surroundings in California.

I had not personally noticed bears in his paintings before, but I will have to look more closely.

I had noticed other natural components, though, like faces in mountaintops, tigers, skeletons, bald eagles, and trees. Since it's art, though, describing it just won't do it justice.

Check out Benchetler's vibrant gallery of paintings here. 

Assuming this was recorded in Mammoth Lakes, California, the American black bear is the only bear native to the area. This particular bear looks more brown than black, but in fact, American black bears can be any shade from black to brown to blonde.

Like any other animal, it's best to stay away from them and allow them space to be wild, which they are.

Earlier this season, someone actually attempted to pet a coyote, and got bit. This is a sure-fire way to induce harm on the animal you are attempting to get closer to.

Corny as it sounds, Chris Benchetler's approach to being inspired by nature is best: being respectful and showing love for nature in ways that do not harm the thing you claim to love.

Related: Coyote Bites Ignorant Skier At Mammoth Mountain, CA

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