How To Grow and Care for Pumpkins in Time for Fall

How To Grow and Care for Pumpkins in Time for Fall

Watermelons are to summer like pumpkins are to fall! And we're not just talking about swapping fresh watermelon juice for pumpkin spice lattes or grilled watermelon wedges for Ree Drummond's favorite pumpkin recipes. The change of seasons also brings about more trips to your local U-pick farm! After all, fall isn't truly fall without a day spent hand-picking the perfect pumpkin to carve to your heart's content.

But what if we told you that you could get the joy of the fall activity right in your own backyard by growing a pumpkin patch? While not overly challenging to grow, pumpkins demand a generous amount of time and space! They require several months to reach maturity, with vining varieties capable of extending over 20 feet in length. Though newer strains tend to be more compact in growth, they still necessitate ample room, with a clearance of three to four feet in all directions. Unlike many other garden crops, pumpkins don't thrive in containers, so it's best to reserve space for them in your garden or raised beds.

Pumped up about growing your own pumpkins? Before you reach for your garden tools, look ahead to our guide on how to grow pumpkins, with expert tips from Ashley Edwards, Commercial Horticulture Extension Agent with Virginia Cooperative Extension. Here, you'll find everything you need to know about how to plant pumpkins, when to pick pumpkins, how to harvest pumpkins, and more!

how to grow pumpkins
Khanh Bui - Getty Images

How to Grow Pumpkins

Depending on the variety, pumpkins can take 85 to 120 days to mature, so you'll need to count back from your area's first expected frost date to determine the last date you can plant your seeds and still expect to harvest pumpkins. If you want pumpkins in time for Halloween, that means you'll typically need to plant seeds by late June to mid-July in most of the country. Then, check out our tips for pumpkin plant care:


Pick a spot with full sun, which is considered six or more hours of direct sunlight per day.


Make sure all danger of frost is past and the ground has warmed to around 65 degrees because pumpkins don't like cold soil. You can plant seedlings, but pumpkins generally do better if seeded directly into the garden.

It's also important to familiarize yourself with the type of soil you're dealing with before planting pumpkins. "Soil tests tell you the level of nutrients in your soil, as well as the pH, or acidity, of your soil," says Edwards. "Results from a soil test allow you to know the exact amount of fertilizer or lime you will need to add for your pumpkins to grow their best."

Planting and Spacing

You'll then place seeds about an inch deep and about three to five feet apart in your garden—dependent on the instructions for your specific packet of seeds. "Plant more seed than necessary but thin out plants after they have two leaves," Edwards recommends. "Leave four to eight feet between rows, depending on the variety."

Some people like to build up the soil into little "hills," but that's not really necessary. One exception? If your ground doesn't drain well. Planting in raised beds or hills may help water drain off and keep your pumpkins from rotting in the field.

One important thing to note is that pumpkin vines can get very long, so the plants need ample room for growth, says Edwards. Make sure to give each pumpkin plant between 12 and 32 square feet of space!


"You can till the garden area and add compost, incorporate organic matter, and add a complete fertilizer into the soil before planting," says Edwards. "Rake the garden area after tilling to make a smooth seedbed."

Keep the area weeded so the pumpkins won't have to compete for water and nutrients. After they have been in the ground a few weeks, feed them with a general purpose balanced fertilizer you'd use for other garden vegetables.


Also, make sure to give them plenty of water when the flowers and fruits are forming. They'll need a deep but gentle soaking once per week with about an inch of water at a time. Just be sure to adjust this amount based on rainfall, because overwatering can lead to root rot.

"Try not to get the leaves wet when you water," says Edwards. "Use drip hoses or carefully water the soil around the plants. Soak the soil thoroughly to encourage healthy root growth."


Planting flowers nearby may help fruit set, too, because pumpkins need bees for pollination so that fruit will form. Also keep in mind that you usually won't need to prune your pumpkin vines.

Types of Pumpkins

There are actually over 150 types of pumpkins in the world, with so many accompanying variations in size, color, taste, and texture. So whether you want a classically round, orange pumpkin or want a uniquely shaped, colorful gourd, you're sure to find it.

"You should select pumpkins to plant that grow well in the climate where you live," says Edwards. "When purchasing pumpkin seeds, check the variety descriptions carefully! Some varieties are resistant to certain diseases."

Before going on a pumpkin seed shopping spree, Edwards recommends asking yourself a few questions regarding the type of pumpkin that works best for your outdoor space: "Do you want to try to grow the biggest pumpkin? Do you want pumpkins for carving, painting, or just to add to your fall decorative displays?"

There are so many fun varieties now available! A few pumpkin varieties that Edwards suggests for gardeners include Jarrahdale (greenish-gray), Prizewinner (giant type), Cinderella (flat orange stacker), and Howden (jack-o-lantern carving type), to name a few. Good choices for smaller spaces include Orange Smoothie, Blue Prince, and Wee B-Little. But don't forget even "compact" varieties need lots of room to grow. However, if your vines start wandering off outside your fall garden and onto the lawn, it's totally fine to lift them and gently redirect them back into your garden bed.

Common Pumpkin Pests and Diseases

It's important to inspect your plants every day to watch for pumpkin pests, which can destroy your crop seemingly overnight. One of the most common problems is cucumber beetles, which are small, pale greenish-yellow bugs with black stripes or spots. They carry bacteria in their guts, leaving it behind as they feed so that the plants collapse in a few weeks. Treat with a botanical insecticide such as pyrethrin.

Another common pest is squash bugs, which hide under leaves when the flowers or fruit appear. They have brownish eggs, while the adults resemble stinkbugs. You can scrape off the eggs, or use neem oil or spinosad, an organic insecticide. You’ll often need multiple applications to get pumpkin pests under control. Also, make sure to apply any product early in the morning or late in the evening when pollinators are not at work.

Aside from insecticides, "Some ways to manage these include purchasing disease-free seeds and transplants. Don’t plant the same crop in the same spot year after year," Edwards emphasizes. "Properly space, mulch, and water your plants. Scout for diseases early, and remove infected plants from the garden."

Powdery mildew, which is a dusty grey color, may appear on leaves, but it seldom kills plants, so don't worry about it too much; many kinds of pumpkins get powdery mildew in fall. If it appears early in the season, you can try a fungicide but it will take several weeks to get it under control. Other common diseases include Downy Mildew, Plectosporium Blight, and fruit rots, according to Edwards.

Another common plant problem that doesn't exclude pumpkins are weeds! "Weeds will steal the nutrients and water from your pumpkins," she says. "Weed your pumpkins often, and when weeds are still small. You can pull weeds by hand or use tools like hoes."

How to Harvest and Store Pumpkins

Pay attention to the seed package information that indicates how long your pumpkin will take to mature. That gives you a ballpark idea of when your pumpkins will be ready and when you can pick them—though you'll want to do so before any heavy frost. In general, "Pumpkins are ready to harvest when they are the right color for their variety and the rind is tough and hard to puncture with a fingernail," says Edwards.

Then, when each pumpkin rind has hardened and reached the color it's supposed to be (orange, blue, white, or speckled!) and the vines look shriveled, wear gloves and use a sharp knife to cut through the stem. Leave about six inches of stem remaining, and carry your pumpkin by the bottom so the stem won't break off. To make the pumpkins last longer, Edwards recommends wiping them down with a bleach and water solution (1 tablespoon bleach mixed with 1 gallon of water).

"Pumpkins should be stored somewhere well-ventilated and protected from rain or wetness, as well as frost," she explains. "When stored at the proper humidity and temperature, an uncarved pumpkin could potentially retain good quality for about 2 months."

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