How to Grow Little Gem Magnolia Trees the Right Way

<p>ficio74 / Getty Images</p>

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Flowering trees and shrubs add loads of charm to the home landscape. When you want to give that charm a southern flare, consider planting Little Gem Magnolia, Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem.' This small tree, 15 to 20 feet tall, is little sister to the iconic Southern Magnolia which can grow to a towering 80 feet.

Of the several hundred varieties of magnolia trees, little gem is one of two dwarf versions of the southern magnolia with the same large, fragrant creamy white flowers and waxy green leaves. The other is Teddy Bear magnolia.

Little gem grows well in conditions similar to those of the southern magnolia but is much better suited to the home landscape due to its compact size.

This dwarf cultivar can even be grown in containers. It's a slow-growing tree with a columnar shape that can be pruned to a single stem or alternatively grown as a multi-stemmed shrub.

Common Name

Little Gem Magnolia

Botanical Name

Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem'



Plant Type

Woody flowering evergreen

Mature Size

15 to 20 feet tall, 8 to 10 feet wide

Sun Exposure

Part sun, part shade

Soil Type

Organically rich, moist. well draining

Soil pH

Slightly acidic, 5.5 to 6.5

Bloom Time

Spring, summer

Flower Color

White, cream, tan

Hardiness Zones

6 to 10 USDA

Native Area


Little Gem Magnolia Tree Care

Magnolia trees can be a bit fussy so it's important to choose the right planting location. If you choose to grow a little gem magnolia in a pot, you'll need a large container with plenty of drainage holes.

A ten-gallon pot will accommodate, however annual pruning including root pruning may be required.


Little gem magnolia performs best with six or more hours of sunlight daily. Morning light is ideal with partial shade, two to six hours, in the afternoon.


Although the tree is adaptable to soil type, a slightly acidic pH of 5.5 to 6.5 is important and the planting location must drain well. Organically rich, loamy soil is ideal so consider working in aged compost at planting time.


Little gem magnolia handles wet conditions better than many magnolia varieties and needs moist soil when newly planted.

Water deeply once or twice weekly after transplanting. The tree develops some drought tolerance at maturity and should only need to be irrigated once a week during summer months.

Mulching helps preserve soil moisture and discourage weeds. Little gem magnolia is also tolerant of salt but does not do well in urban conditions with heavy air pollution. Pot-grown trees may need to be watered daily during the hottest days of summer.

Temperature and Humidity

This small tree is hardy down to about 5°F and is fairly heat tolerant. Some protection from hot afternoons prevents foliage from scorching and discoloration.


Fertilize little gem magnolia in early spring with an organic slow-release fertilizer. Plants grown in pots benefit from feeding monthly during the growing season.

Types of Small Magnolia Trees

A number of varieties of magnolia trees are available with different foliage and flower forms and colors. Here are several other small types that fit well in any home landscape.

  • Saucer Magnolia, M. X soulangeana: Grown as a deciduous tree or large shrub, this magnolia is fast-growing with fragrant, tulip-shaped flowers in deep magenta-purple with white centers. Grows 15 to 20 feet tall.

  • M. stellataStar Magnolia,: Flowers with multiple petals in white to pink bloom profusely in spring. A number of cultivars are available in small sizes maturing at 15 to 20 feet tall.

  • Magnolia Ann, M. liliflora nigra, : Part of the magnolia "Little Girl" series, Ann grows to just 10 feet tall producing large 4-inch chalice-shaped blossoms with purplish red exteriors and pale pink interiors.

  • Teddy Bear Magnolia, M. grandiflora 'Teddy Bear': Another dwarf version of the Southern magnolia, Teddy Bear grows more slowly than Little Gem, produces larger blooms, and is considered more disease resistant than Little Gem.


Prune Little Gem after flowers fade focusing on dead and damaged branches. Keep pruning to a minimum and maintain branches at ground level, cutting back the upper portion of the tree to form a triangular shape.

If you plan to grow Little Gem in a large container, it may become necessary to remove the tree from its pot and prune back the roots every several years.

Propagating Little Gem Magnolia Tree

Because little gem magnolia is a hybrid, the only way to propagate this tree is through cuttings. This is most successful in spring with softwood cuttings as the tree is putting out new growth. Gather together small pots with drainage holes, plastic coverings, a well-draining potting mix, and a small hand pruner. Follow these steps:

  1. Use the hand pruner to remove a 6 to 8-inch softwood cutting of new growth. Make your cut just above a leaf node.

  2. Remove all leaves except for the top one or two. If the remaining leaves are large, cut them in half horizontally and dispose of the top half.

  3. Dip the bottom portion of the cutting in rooting hormone, making sure to cover exposed leaf nodes.

  4. Fill pots with slightly moistened potting mixture. Use your finger or a pencil to make a narrow hole in the center.

  5. Insert the bottom portion of the cutting into the hole and gently fill in around it with potting mixture to keep it upright.

  6. Cover the pot with plastic. You may need to add supports to keep the plastic from touching the top of the cutting.

  7. Place pots in a warm location that receives plenty of indirect sunlight and keep soil moist.

  8. Roots form in several weeks. When they've grown several inches long and begun to develop a strong system, seedlings can be potted up into larger containers or moved into the garden,

Potting and Repotting Little Gem Magnolia

When started from cuttings, you'll want to move your little gem magnolia seedlings into pots one or two sizes larger depending on how quickly they develop.

This is generally a slow-growing tree that takes about 20 years to grow 20 feet tall so moving your plant to a larger container should be necessary only every few years.


Little gem magnolia is hardy down to -5°F and should stay evergreen in USDA growing zones 6 to 10. If temperatures drop lower, cover your tree with a frost cover.

Mulch also protects roots from frost damage although the tree may lose some leaves. Move potted plants to a protected indoor location such as an unheated porch or garage when possible.

Common Pests and Plant Diseases

Magnolia trees are vulnerable to several diseases and common insects. Leaf spot, blight, and verticillium wilt all can affect foliage causing dark spots, yellowing, and loss of leaves.

Unfortunately, there is no remedy for verticillium wilt which can be diagnosed with a soil test. The tree should be removed and disposed of. Pruning out diseases and damaged branches is the best course for leaf spot and blight.

Aphids, thrips, and scale feed on the sap of little lem causing leaves to curl inward. Applications of neem oil or insecticidal soap usually remedy this problem.

Caterpillars leave behind ragged and chewed foliage. Look for and remove egg masses on the undersides of leaves and the tree's trunk. Prevention is the best approach.

Give your little gem magnolia the best growing conditions including plenty of sunlight and fertilizer in the spring. A healthy tree is better able to survive these adverse conditions.

How to Get Little Gem Magnolia to Bloom

Little gem begins flower production in two to three years and is recognized for its prolific show of blossoms.

Bloom Months

Little gem flowers open in May with continuous bloom throughout spring and summer often lasting through October.

What Do Little Gem Magnolia Flowers Look and Smell Like

Flowers are similar to those found on southern magnolia. They are large, fragrant, and bright white saucer-shaped blooms up to 8 inches wide. Flowers have a refreshing lemony scent.

How to Encourage More Blooms

Make sure your tree gets at least six hours of bright sunlight daily. Check soil pH for acidity level of 5.5 to 6.5 and good drainage. Add organic matter to the soil and fertilize in spring with a product higher in phosphorous such as an NPK 12-24-12.

Caring For Little Gem Magnolia After It Blooms

Once flowers have faded, it's time to take care of any pruning needs for your tree or shrub. It is not necessary to deadhead flowers.

Common Problems With Little Gem Magnolia

Leaf Shedding in Spring

Although evergreen, little gem may shed leaves in early spring prior to blooming. The tree is putting energy into flowering rather than producing new foliage—so this is not a big concern. Once flowers appear, new leaves will begin to emerge.

Leaf Branch and Dieback

Dieback is usually caused by extreme cold weather or temperature fluctuations in spring. Frost damage can result in some loss of branches and leaves. Wait until the danger of frost has passed then prune out damage to allow the tree to direct energy into producing new healthy growth.

Discolored Flowers

Temperature extremes can also cause the bright white flowers to take on a yellow or brownish cast. Little gem blooms for a long period so some blooms will naturally fade over time. If flowers emerge discolored this could be caused by too much heat or cold. Choose a planting location with some afternoon shade and give your tree the correct amount of water and fertilizer.

Frequently Asked Questions

How big will a little gem magnolia tree get?

Little gem magnolia reaches maturity at 15 to 20 feet tall and 8 to 10 feet wide. Selective pruning can keep the tree smaller and formed into a columnar or pyramidal shape. This variety can also be grown as a multi-stemmed shrub.

Where should you plant a little gem magnolia tree?

Plant little gem magnolia in a location that receives at least six hours of bright direct sunlight daily. The tree benefits from several hours of afternoon shade. Organically rich loamy soil that drains well is ideal.

Do little gem magnolias need to be planted in sun or shade?

Little gem magnolia needs sun in order to produce its large white blooms. Give them a minimum of six hours of bright sunlight daily. Afternoon shade is tolerated and can benefit the tree, especially in hot, dry climates.

Read the original article on The Spruce.