How to Grow and Care for Philodendron Paraiso Verde

<p>Thananat / Getty</p>

Thananat / Getty

Philodendron paraiso verde is a tropical plant known for its colorful variegation and growth habit. It has long, deeply lobed green leaves speckled with irregular yellow and light green markings. This climbing philodendron prefers warmth, humidity, well-drained soil, and bright, indirect light. With the proper care and conditions, it's a fast-growing plant that requires a moss pole or other support to climb. Note that philodendron paraiso verde is toxic to people and pets.

Common Name:

Philodendron Paraiso Verde

Botanical Name: 

Philodendron 'Paraiso Verde', Philodendron 'Marina Ruy Barbosa'



Plant Type: 


Mature Size:

10 ft. long, 2 ft. wide

Sun Exposure: 


Soil Type: 

Moist, Well-drained

Soil pH: 


Hardiness Zones: 

9-11 (USDA)

Native Area: 

French Guiana


Toxic to humans and pets

Philodendron Paraiso Verde Care

  • Plant in moist, well-drained potting soil.

  • Give this plant bright, indirect light.

  • Water when the top half of the soil has dried out.

  • Fertilize once per month during spring and summer.

  • Provide a moss pole or other support to allow the plant to climb.


Like other philodendrons, philodendron paraiso verde grows best with medium to bright indirect light or filtered sunlight. Place it in an east-facing window to receive weaker morning light or several feet from a south-facing or west-facing window, out of direct sun. You can also use a sheer curtain to filter strong afternoon light. Keep the plant out of direct sunlight, which can cause brown spots to appear on the leaves and will stress the plant.


Philodendron paraiso verde needs a potting mix that will drain well while retaining moisture. Use a pre-made around mix or make your own by blending equal parts potting mix, orchid bark, and perlite.


Check soil moisture regularly to determine when to water your philodendron paraiso verde. Water when the top half of the soil in the pot has dried out. Check cache pots and drip trays to ensure the plant isn't sitting in water, which can cause root rot. Keep in mind that you'll need to water more frequently in the spring and summer than in the colder months.

Temperature and Humidity

This tropical vine thrives in warm, humid conditions. Philodendron paraiso verde prefers temperatures between 65 and 85 degrees and between 60 and 70 percent humidity. Keep the plant out of cold drafts from doors, windows, or air vents. Run a humidifier in the space to add moisture to the air around the plant.


Feed philodendron paraiso verde with liquid houseplant fertilizer diluted to half strength every four weeks during the growing season. Begin fertilizing when you first see new plant growth in early spring, then stop fertilizing when temperatures cool in fall.


Philodendron paraiso verde doesn't require regular pruning, but there are times when cutting away some growth can benefit the plant. If this climbing vine is outgrowing your space, it's okay to remove no more than 25 percent of the total plant growth to keep it contained. Use a moss pole or other trellis to support the plant's climbing growth. If your plant has some solid green leaves, removing them can help more light reach its variegated leaves, which will help the plant keep its variegation. Remove yellow, dead, or damaged leaves as you see them so the plant can put its energy towards healthy new growth.

Propagating Philodendron Paraiso Verde

Philodendron paraiso verde is easy to propagate by rooting cuttings in soil. You'll need a small plant pot, potting mix, and clean shears or pruners. Here's how to propagate Philodendron paraiso verde.

  1. Take a healthy cutting from the mother plant that includes a leaf and a node.

  2. Fill the pot with potting mix and moisten it well with water. Use your finger to make a hole a few inches deep.

  3. Plant the cutting in the pot, making sure the node is below the soil line.

  4. Put the cutting in a warm place with bright, indirect light. Keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy.

  5. New leaf growth is a sign that the cutting has rooted. You can pot it up and care for it as usual.

Potting and Repotting Philodendron Paraiso Verde

Repot philodendron paraiso verde when the plant is potbound. You'll see roots growing out of the hole in the bottom of the pot or filling the soil surface. The best time to repot is in spring or summer when the plant is in active growth. Use fresh soil mix and a pot that's only an inch or two larger than the previous pot. Plastic, glazed ceramic, or metal pots work fine but avoid terracotta pots, which can allow the soil to dry out too quickly.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

Common houseplant pests like aphids, mealybugs, scale, and spider mites cat affect philodendron paraiso verde. Monitor your plant closely for signs of an infestation, like yellow or brown spots on leaves. Remove pests by dabbing them away with a cotton swab soaked in rubbing alcohol or wash them off with horticultural soap or neem oil spray.

Common Problems With Philodendron Paraiso Verde

With the proper care and growing conditions, philodendron paraiso verde can be a pretty low-maintenance plant, but there are some problems you'll want to watch out for.

Reverted Leaves

Philodendron paraiso verde is known for its long, variegated leaves, but the plant may revert, or grow green rather than variegated leaves, without the right kind of light. Direct sunlight and low light can both cause this plant to revert. Some growers have observed that the plant's variegation is seasonal, with stronger variegation appearing during the spring and summer when temperatures are warmer and days are longer.

Leaves Turning Yellow

Yellow leaves are most likely due to root rot caused by overwatering, but overly dry conditions can cause leaves to brown at the tips and eventually yellow as well. Check the soil moisture and adjust the watering based on that.

Drooping Leaves

Drooping leaves on philodendron paraiso verde are likely a sign that the plant isn't getting enough moisture. Avoid letting the plant dry out completely. Water deeply when the top half of the soil in the pot has dried out.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Philodendron Paraiso Verde rare?

Philodendron paraiso verde is pretty rare in the US. It can be purchased from specialty plant shops or online.

How fast does Philodendron Paraiso Verde grow?

With the right light, humidity, and temperature conditions, philodendron paraiso verde can grow very quickly, as much as several feet in a single season.

Can Philodendron Paraiso Verde grow indoors?

Yes, philodendron paraiso verde grows well as a houseplant with the right care and conditions.

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