How to Grow and Care for Philodendron Florida Beauty

<p>Hideaki Edo / Getty Images</p>

Hideaki Edo / Getty Images

The Florida Beauty philodendron has dramatic variegated coloring in shades of cream or white. It's a fast-growing plant that needs a structure of some kind to climb on but is otherwise fairly low maintenance. The plants in the Philodendron genus are considered toxic for humans or pets to ingest.

Occasionally this plant is referred to simply as Florida beauty, which is also the common name of a cultivar of Dracaena surculosa, another tropical houseplant with glossy leaves; sharing the same common name can create confusion between the two plants. Not at all related to Dracaena, the philodendron Florida Beauty is a hybrid of two philodendrons, Philodendron squamiferum and Philodendron pedatum.

Common Name

Philodendron Florida Beauty, Magic Mask

Botanical Name

Philodendron 'Florida Beauty'



Plant Type

Herbaceous perennial

Mature Size

Up to 12 ft. tall

Sun Exposure


Soil Type

Loamy, well-drained

Soil pH

Neutral to acidic

Hardiness Zones

9-11 (USDA)

Native Areas

Cultivar, no native range


Toxic to pets and humans if ingested

Philodendron Florida Beauty Care

This fast-growing plant can reach up to 90 feet tall outdoors, but indoors it shouldn't get higher than 12 feet. It does best with some kind of supporting structure for the vines to climb on. It has fairly simple care needs.

  • Plant in loamy, well-draining soil or potting mix.

  • Place the container by a sunny window so it gets indirect sunlight.

  • Allow the soil surface to dry out between waterings.

  • Fertilize with a diluted nitrogen-rich fertilizer once a month in spring and summer.


This plant grows best with bright but indirect light. Place it near, but not in front of, a window with a sunny exposure (a northern exposure works well). Too much sun can scorch the leaves.


The best potting soil for a philodendron Florida Beauty is a loamy, organic potting mix with good drainage. Some added peat moss will make the soil slightly acidic, which this plant responds well to.


In spring and summer, the most active periods of growth, water thoroughly after the soil surface has been allowed to dry out. With ideal lighting conditions, this could be about once per week. Avoid overwatering. In autumn you may find the plant needs a bit less water, and in winter you may be able to water every 10 to 14 days. The best test is to see if the top 2 inches of soil is dry: if it is, you can water.

Temperature and Humidity

This plant likes a fairly consistent temperature of 55 to 80 degrees. It also likes a slightly humid environment. Placing a dish of pebbles with water near the plant can help it absorb some more moisture; you can also place the plant container on top of the pebbles, making sure the pot is not in standing water. Avoid locating the plant near open windows, heat vents or air conditioning units, to help avoid extremes in temperature.


A nitrogen-rich fertilizer, diluted by half, works well for this plant. Apply when the container soil is slightly moist to avoid burning roots. Fertilize once a month in spring and summer, and every other month in fall and winter.

Philodendron Florida Beauty vs. Philodendron Florida Green

Unlike philodendron Florida Beauty, the Philodendron 'Florida Green' is not variegated, though the leaves of both plants have glossy leaves with a similar shape and serrated edges. Florida Green is much smaller at mature size than philodendron Florida Beauty, reaching only up to 8 feet tall. It is also slightly less cold hardy, growing best in USDA hardiness zones 10 through 12. Both plants are comparatively rare and hard to acquire.

Pruning Philodendron Florida Beauty

This fast-growing plant does benefit from consistent pruning. Pruning promotes healthy new growth and helps control shape and size. The best time to prune is in spring before the active growing season. Using sharp snips or shears, snip the stems you wish to remove back about 6 inches from the plant's base. Also lightly trim away any dead or damaged stems or leaves at any time during the growing season.

Propagating Philodendron Florida Beauty

This plant is relatively easy to propagate. The best time to propagate is in early spring from cuttings.

  1. Using sterilized shears, cut 2 to 4 inches above the leaf node, making sure there are at least two leaves attached to your cutting.

  2. Place the cutting in a glass jar of room temperature water. (If using chlorinated water, allow chlorine to dissipate for one hour). Place in a warm spot and change the water every two days. Roots should begin to form in about two weeks.

  3. When roots are at least a half inch long, plant the cutting in a container with potting soil or medium. Keep the soil moist. Use a small stick to help keep the cutting upright so it roots properly.

  4. Wait at least one month before transferring the rooted cutting to a larger container. The plant may grow somewhat slowly in the first year.

Common Pests and Plant Diseases

Fire blight disease is a bacterial infection sometimes caused by over fertilizing that can affect your philodendron Florida Beauty. To prevent this, be sure to fertilize using only diluted fertilizer. The leaves will turn brown or black, and any affected leaves should be cut away with sharp snips. Clean the snips well between each cut to avoid spreading the bacteria.

You may also notice mealy bugs occasionally, but these are fairly easy to eradicate and prevent using neem oil.

Common Problems With Philodendron Florida Beauty

This plant is somewhat fussy about its water needs, so both overwatering and underwatering can cause potential problems. Overwatering may drown the roots or cause root rot; underwatering may prevent the leaves from growing or may turn them dry and brown. A good rule of thumb is to water thoroughly after the soil has dried out, and to adjust the watering schedule in the colder months, when the plant needs less water.

Too much sunlight can also cause issues such as dried or scorched leaves, so be sure to choose the location well or use grow lights if needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make my Florida Beauty more variegated?

The best way to make a philodendron Florida Beauty's leaves more variegated is to make sure it has adequate (but not too much) indirect sunlight, sufficient water, and regular applications of fertilizer.

Is philodendron Florida Beauty a slow grower?

The philodendron Florida Beauty actually grows fairly quickly and can get up to 12 feet tall indoors. It is a climbing plant that needs some structure.

Are Florida Beauty plants rare?

The philodendron Florida Beauty is a rare plant on the market. Though it is available from some commercial nurseries, it can be expensive and hard to find.

Read the original article on The Spruce.