How To Grow And Care For Perennial Geranium

Here’s how to grow these easygoing perennials.

Southern Living/Adrienne Legault
Southern Living/Adrienne Legault

You’ve probably grown annual geraniums (in the genus Pelargonium) for years. But those plants are cousins to true geraniums or perennial geraniums. These under-utilized flowers deserve a place in your garden for their hardiness and beauty. “Perennial geraniums bloom for months, unlike many other types of perennials, which typically flower for only a few weeks,” says Kata Kress Wallace, previous regional product manager for Walters Gardens. “They’re also fast-growing plants that don’t require a lot of care. Even beginners will have success with this plant.”

Perennial geraniums are low-growing, mounding plants that work well as groundcovers, edging plants, or in containers. Also called cranesbill because of the shape of their beak-like fruit produced after flowering, these perennials bloom profusely from late spring to early summer. Pollinators love the delicate flowers that appear on long, graceful stems above the foliage. These perennials are not fussy about soil type, and they grow in full sun to part shade, says Wallace. Deer and rodents generally steer clear of these plants because of their fragrance.

Here is everything you need to know about growing and caring for perennial geraniums in the South.

Plant Attributes

Common Name

Perennial geranium, hardy geranium, cranesbill

Botanical Name

Geranium 'Dilys'



Plant Type


Mature Size

8 - 10 inches tall, 1 ft. - 4 ft. wide

Sun Exposure

Full sun to part shade

Soil Type

Average to poor

Soil pH

6.0 - 6.5

Bloom Time

Spring, summer

Flower Color

Purple, pink, blue

Hardiness Zones

4 to 8 (USDA)

<p>Southern Living/Adrienne Legault</p>

Southern Living/Adrienne Legault

Perennial Geranium Care

Perennial geranium is a hardy plant that does well in most garden settings because it thrives in all kinds of soil from sand to clay and needs little care once established, says Wallace. Deadheading is not required, though a quick shearing can rejuvenate leggy growth after blooming.

<p>Southern Living/Adrienne Legault</p>

Southern Living/Adrienne Legault


Give perennial geranium at least four to six hours of direct sunlight. Afternoon shade is okay in hot regions. It tolerates dappled shade, too, but may produce fewer flowers.


Perennial geranium grows well in all soil types, including sand and clay. When planting in clay, it may help it establish faster if you work some organic compost into the area, says Wallace. It’s not necessary, but you can broadcast spread a granular fertilizer in the spring as well.


Water these plants the first few weeks when getting established. Otherwise, they don’t typically need supplemental watering unless it’s a lengthy drought.

Temperature and Humidity

Perennial geraniums don’t mind the relentless heat and humidity but do appreciate partial afternoon shade. They also survive winters well and are hardy in zones 4 to 8 (USDA) in the South.


These plants typically don’t require fertilizer unless the soil is poor. In that case, apply a time-released, balanced fertilizer in spring in addition to an annual layer of compost.

<p>Southern Living/Adrienne Legault</p>

Southern Living/Adrienne Legault

Types of Perennial Geraniums

  • Geranium 'Rozanne': This hybrid clumping variety grows 20 inches tall and 24 inches wide, with non-stop violet-blue flowers throughout the season. It has exceptional heat tolerance.

  • Geranium x cantabrigiense 'Biokovo': This naturally occurring hybrid, discovered in the mountains of Croatia, makes a carpet of 8 to 12 inches tall and 18 inches wide, with delicate pinkish-white flowers in late spring. It’s a fast spreader.

  • Geranium pratense 'Boom Chocolatta': This new hybrid has unique bronze leaves with purple-blue flowers. It tolerates short periods of drought once established. It grows 24 to 26 inches tall and 28 to 30 inches wide.

  • Geranium sanguineum: This plant, native to Europe and Asia, is commonly called bloody cranesbill. It grows 9 to 12 inches tall and 24 inches wide with magenta flowers with darker veins. It blooms in late spring with variable rebloom throughout the summer.


Perennial geraniums are low maintenance once established. Cut them back to the ground after blooming to encourage more foliage and flowers later in the season.

Propagating Perennial Geraniums

Perennial geraniums can be propagated through cuttings, division, or by transplanting new seedlings from the garden. They spread and clump over time and new growth can be transplanted into pots or other areas of the garden. For healthy growth and flowering, divide the clumps every three to five years in spring.

For propagation through stem cuttings, root stem cuttings in water. Transplant seedlings by gently lifting them from the garden with some roots intact. Transfer to the desired location. To divide clumps, follow the steps below.

  1. Dig up the parent plant and shake off any loose soil.

  2. With a clean knife or garden trowel, cut the clump in half or quarters. Make sure each section has roots and leaves.

  3. Plant new sections so the crown is at or slightly above ground level and water.

How to Grow Perennial Geraniums From Seed

Perennial geraniums self-seed and take root easily. Transplant the new seedlings elsewhere in the garden or plant in a pot. Growing them from seed takes a long time. For this method, gather seeds and plant directly in the garden or seed starting trays. These plants can take three to five years to flower.

Potting and Repotting Perennial Geraniums

You can grow perennial geraniums in pots. They may do better in pots in warmer zones, such as the Mid and Lower South.

To pot, use a container with good drainage. Add potting soil mix, and spread out the geranium’s roots as you plant it. Perennial geraniums do not need frequent repotting. Repot when the roots begin to grow through the drainage holes of the container. Divide container plants and repot every three years for new plants.

Overwintering Perennial Geraniums

Perennial geraniums stay semi-evergreen in the Mid and Lower South and mostly die back in the Upper South, reappearing in the spring. There’s no special care required to keep these plants over the winter.

If the plants need dividing because they’re taking over an area, dig up and divide the clump in the fall. They’re incredibly forgiving about being moved, so don’t be afraid to divide them to make more plants.

How to Get Perennial Geraniums to Bloom

The most important factor is to give these plants at least four to six hours of direct sunlight per day. You also may get a subsequent flush of flowers if you shear the plants back after the first bloom, says Wallace. If your plants are growing rapidly, it’s okay to shear them back a few times during the season to encourage lush new growth and some additional flowering.

<p>Southern Living/Adrienne Legault</p>

Southern Living/Adrienne Legault

Common Problems with Perennial Geraniums

These are some of the most fuss-free perennials you can grow, says Wallace. They’re not troubled by many diseases that plague many perennials. They also have almost no pest issues, except the occasional slug.

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