How to Grow and Care for Monstera Obliqua

This rare monstera is known for its huge fenestrations

<p>The Spruce / Anastasia Tretiak</p>

The Spruce / Anastasia Tretiak

Reviewed by Julie Thompson-Adolf

Monstera obliqua 'Peru' is the botanical name for a vining Monstera species that's becoming popular on the houseplant market, though it's usually commonly referred to as monstera obliqua. This rare, vining plant is often confused with M. adansonii, though monstera obliqua has larger and more highly-fenestrated leaves. Monstera obliqua thrives in medium, indirect light, well-draining soil, and high humidity.

Like other Monstera species, monstera obliqua is toxic to people and pets.

Common Name

Monstera obliqua

Botanical Name

Monstera obliqua 'Peru'



Plant Type


Mature Size

1-10 ft. tall, 1-4 ft. wide

Sun Exposure


Soil Type

Moist but well-drained

Soil pH


Hardiness Zones

(9-11) USDA

Native Area

Central America, South America


Toxic to people, pets

Monstera Obliqua Care

Monstera obliqua is particular about its growing conditions and may not be ideal for houseplant beginners. Here are the main care requirements for monstera obliqua:

  • Choose a spot where monstera obliqua will get bright-to-medium, indirect light but not direct sunlight.

  • Prepare well-draining soil that will also maintain some moisture after watering.

  • Water thoroughly once the soil is dry, without letting the plant sit in wet or dry soil for long.

  • Keep humidity high around monstera obliqua, ideally around 80 percent or higher; most likely, this will require a terrarium or indoor greenhouse.

  • Fertilize lightly during the growing season; do not fertilize in winter.

  • Provide monstera oblique with a moss pole, trellis, or some other structure to climb.

<p>The Spruce / Anastasia Tretiak</p>

The Spruce / Anastasia Tretiak

<p>The Spruce / Anastasia Tretiak</p>

The Spruce / Anastasia Tretiak

<p>The Spruce / Anastasia Tretiak</p>

The Spruce / Anastasia Tretiak

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<p><a href="" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1">@plantdrew_</a> / Instagram</p>

@plantdrew_ / Instagram


Monstera obliqua plants require 7+ hours of bright to medium indirect light. They should not be exposed to any direct sunlight, as the leaves will easily burn, and should also be kept out of low light conditions. Many growers will use grow lights for these plants, particularly since it’s common to grow them in greenhouse cabinets or terrariums. Just be sure to do your research about the best kinds of grow lights for the monstera obliqua, as well as how far away it should be positioned to avoid burning.


Monstera obliqua plants need a potting mixture that is rich and well-draining but also retains moisture well. A combination of indoor potting soil and perlite is common, with sphagnum moss on top to help increase moisture and humidity. Loamy soil mixed with bark is also a good choice.


Monstera obliqua should be kept evenly moist, but not soaking. It’s best to allow the top inch or two of soil to dry out between waterings to prevent overwatering and root rot. Since this Monstera is relatively slow-growing, you may only need to water the plant once a week or once every two weeks during the growing season. However, rather than keep a strict watering schedule, it’s best to regularly check the soil moisture (you can use your fingers or a moisture meter) to evaluate when it’s time to water, since it will change throughout the year. You will need to cut back on watering in the fall and winter months as the plant enters dormancy.

Temperature and Humidity

One of the most important parts of successfully growing a monstera obliqua is ensuring it has the proper temperature and humidity. These tropical plants require high humidity of at least 80 percent, with temperatures around 77 degrees Fahrenheit (25 degrees Celsius).

Without adequate humidity, the monstera obliqua's paper-thin leaves will quickly begin to shrivel up and die. This means that an enclosed environment like a greenhouse cabinet, terrarium, or tent greenhouse where the conditions can be closely controlled with a humidifier is usually the best spot for a monstera obliqua. Small temperature and humidity readers can be purchased to monitor the conditions around your plant.


Since this rare plant is considered a slow grower, it requires less fertilizer than some of its more common Monstera relatives. Apply a water-soluble liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength once a month during the growing season (spring and summer). Stop fertilizing in the fall once the temperatures begin to drop, and don’t apply any fertilizer during the fall and winter months.

Types of Monstera Obliqua

While there are multiple varieties of M. obliqua that have been found in the wild, very few have made it to the houseplant realm, though the list is growing:

  • M. obliqua ‘Peru’ is the most common M. obliqua on the market, offering large and highly-fenestrated leaves.

  • M. obliqua ‘Bolivia’ produces leaves with less fenestration.

  • M. obliqua 'Amazonas' has spade-shaped leaves with average fenestration.


Though pruning is not absolutely required, pruning a large and leggy monstera obliqua will keep it bushy and will prevent the vines from losing leaves at the base. Simply take clean, sharp scissors and prune long vines as desired. Avoid removing more than a third of the overall plant mass at once.

Propagating Monstera Obliqua

One of the reasons that monstera obliqua plants are so rare and difficult to find is that they can be tricky to propagate. The actual process of propagation is similar to many other types of Monstera and aroids: rooting stem cuttings. Cuttings can be taken from the main plant or from a runner (stolon) if it’s growing any. To increase your chance of success, ensure that you attempt propagation during the spring, when the plant is actively growing. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Prepare sphagnum moss by soaking it in water for at least 15 minutes to rehydrate it. In the meantime, take cuttings from your plant.

  2. Using a pair of sharp, clean pruning shears, take a stem cutting from a healthy and established monstera obliqua. The cutting should have at least two nodes and at least one leaf if possible.

  3. Remove the bottom leaf/leaves from the cuttings to expose the bottom nodes along the stem.

  4. Remove the sphagnum moss from the water and wring it out until it’s moist, but not soaking. Place it in a potting container with drainage holes on the bottom.

  5. Plant the stem cutting in the moss, ensuring that the nodes at the bottom of the stem are covered.

  6. Place the cutting in a warm, humid environment. A greenhouse, greenhouse cabinet, or terrarium are ideal locations.

  7. Keep the sphagnum moss evenly moist but not soaking. If successful, aerial roots should begin to grow within several weeks. Keep a close eye on the cutting for signs of rot, and cut away any rotted pieces immediately if you notice any.

  8. Once the aerial roots are at least an inch long, you can transition the cutting to the same potting mix that your mature obliqua is planted in. Keep the potting mix evenly moist and return the freshly potted plant to its original warm, humid location to prevent it from going into shock.

Potting and Repotting Monstera Obliqua

This slow-growing Monstera will likely only need to be repotted once every couple of years when it has outgrown its current pot. Roots growing from the pot’s drainage holes or circling the inside of the pot are both signs that it’s time to repot. Like most houseplants, it’s best to repot your plant in spring and summer when it is actively growing.

Ensure that you choose a new potting container that is only two to three inches larger than the plant’s previous container to prevent accidental overwatering in a pot that is too large. Refresh as much of the soil as you can during repotting without breaking roots, and water the plant well once it is in its new pot.

Common Pests

Monstera obliqua plants are susceptible to a range of common houseplant pests including spider mites, scale, whitefly, thrips, and fungus gnats. This can become particularly problematic if you are growing your monstera obliqua in a greenhouse cabinet or terrarium where the infestation can quickly spread. Make pest checks a regular part of your plant care routine and consider applying a mild insecticide to your plant on a regular basis to catch potential infestations early.

Common Problems With Monstera Obliqua

It’s common to run into a few problems growing a monstera obliqua, particularly as you’re first learning how to care for them. Keep an eye out for these common problems.

Yellow Leaves

Yellow leaves are a common problem among most plants with a few possible causes. Overwatering, underwatering, too much light, not enough light, and pests can all cause yellow leaves. The only way to know for sure what’s going on is to evaluate your plant’s growing environment closely.

Root Rot

Root rot is a common ailment among monstera obliqua plants. Signs of root rot include yellow leaves, wilted leaves, mushy stems, and dead or mushy roots. Root rot is usually a result of overwatering—a costly mistake to make with this rare plant. If you suspect your obliqua is suffering from root rot, remove it from its potting container and soil immediately. Cut away any rotted pieces, and either repot the plant in fresh soil (if it has healthy roots left), or follow the steps for propagation if your plant doesn’t have any healthy roots remaining.

Dry Leaves

Without proper humidity, a monstera obliqua’s leaves will quickly begin to dry out. Ensure your obliqua is placed somewhere with at least 80 percent humidity.

Frequently Asked Questions

How big does a monstera obliqua get?

In their natural environment, monstera obliqua plants usually grow to be six to 10 feet tall. However, it’s difficult to achieve these heights indoors. When grown as a houseplant, expect monstera obliqua to grow to be around four to five feet tall.

Why does my monstera obliqua have a long stem with no leaves on it?

Like some other aroids, monstera obliqua plants produce stolons. In their natural habitat, these leafless runners will grow along the forest floor until they find another tree to climb, at which point they’ll begin to grow new leaves again. While the runners don’t have leaves, they do have nodes. In indoor environments, these stolons can be used for propagation.

Why is monstera obliqua so expensive?

Monstera obliqua plants are expensive because they are difficult to find in the wild, slow-growing, and tricky to propagate. This makes them rare and highly sought after, driving up the price.

Read Next: Variegated Monstera Deliciosas: Everything You Need to Know

Read the original article on The Spruce.