How to Grow and Care for Monkey Tail Plant (Cleistocactus Colademononis)

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The monkey tail plant is a statement-making cactus that's a suitable houseplant for beginners. This species stands out for its long, thin stems, which are covered in soft, white, hairlike spines.

Young plants have an upright form, but the stems develop a trailing habit as this fast-growing species matures.

It's perfect for displaying in a hanging basket or tall planter, but it better be robust because “tails” can grow to be over 5 feet long.

Look out for red blooms when grown outdoors in year-round warm regions.

Provided you pop this plant in a full sun position and water very sparingly, it should thrive with little attention.

Common Name 

Monkey tail cactus, monkey tail plant

Botanical Name 

Cleistocactus Colademononis



Plant Type 

Cactus, Evergreen

Mature Size 

Tails can grow up to 8 ft. long.

Sun Exposure 

Full, Partial

Soil Type 


Soil pH 

Acid, Neutral, Alkaline

Bloom Time 


Flower Color 

Red, Pink

Hardiness Zones

9-11 (USDA)

Native Area 

South America

Monkey Tail Plant Care

The main care requirements for the monkey tail cactus include:

  • Position in bright, indirect light.

  • Plant in a well-draining cactus mix.

  • Water when soil is fully dry in the growing season.

  • Fertilize sparingly with a weak high-potassium, low-nitrogen formula.

  • Avoid high-humidity environments.

<p>emkaplin / Getty Images</p>

emkaplin / Getty Images


The best position for your monkey tail cactus is one where it receives bright, indirect light.

Although this desert native appreciates full morning sun, too much intense direct afternoon sun can scorch the stems.

Too much shade results in the plant dropping its unique white spines.


Your monkey tail cactus needs a loose, well-draining cactus mix to thrive. Standard potting soil is too heavy and increases the risk of root rot.

You can buy ready-made cactus soil at your local nursery or make your own blend. Mix three parts potting soil, three parts sand or gravel, and two parts perlite or pumice.


The biggest killer of the monkey tail cactus is root rot due to overwatering. This isn’t a plant to grow outdoors if you live in a region with high rainfall.

During the growing season, allow the cactus soil to fully dry out before watering conservatively again.

If the plant enters a dormancy phase during the winter months, it's best to keep the soil dry and water very sparingly, allowing the cactus to use the water it has stored in its stems.

When grown outdoors, it’s best to stop watering altogether in winter to minimize the risk of frosting.

Temperature and Humidity

You can grow your monkey tail cactus outdoors in warm regions year-round.

The plant is frost-hardy to around 35°F, provided it is only exposed to this cold for short periods, and the ground is dry.

Some cool temperatures in winter help to stimulate flowering. As you would expect of a desert native, this plant doesn’t do well in high humidity.


Your monkey tail cactus will appreciate feeding with a slow-release high-potassium and low-nitrogen liquid fertilizer at the start of the growing season.

Typically, one feeding should last the whole year, but some enthusiasts apply fertilizer every one or two months while the plant is growing.


Low-maintenance monkey tail cacti don’t need regular pruning. It’s just a case of removing broken, dying, or dead stems.

Propagating Monkey Tail Plants

The fast-growing, multi-stemmed monkey tail cactus is easy to propagate by stem cuttings during the spring or summer growing season.

Follow these steps to make lots of baby cacti:

  1. Cut off a 6-inch section of healthy stem using a sterile, sharp knife.

  2. Let the cut end callus over in a cool, dry spot. This can take 48 to 72 hours.

  3. Plant the cutting with the callused end inserted fully into the fresh cactus soil.

  4. Position in a warm spot that receives bright, indirect light.

  5. Keep the soil slightly moist while waiting for the cutting to take root. This should take around three weeks.

  6. Once roots are established, and there is firm resistance when you tug on the cutting, you can revert to normal care, letting the soil fully dry between waterings.

How to Grow Monkey Tail Plants From Seed

It is possible to grow monkey tail cacti from seed, although the success rate is low as the seedlings tend to be fragile, and they can be tricky to source if your plant doesn’t bloom.

If you want to give it a whirl, keep the following guidance in mind:

  1. After the blooms turn to fruit-containing seeds, carefully gather them up.

  2. Thoroughly dry the seeds out and store them in the fridge to stratify until they crack open for spring sowing.

  3. Surface sow the seeds by pressing them into the seed starter mix in a shallow tray.

  4. Keep them in a warm spot (around 70°F) that receives bright but indirect light. Ensure the soil remains evenly moist but not soggy by misting.

  5. Seeds typically germinate within 14 to 28 days.

Potting and Repotting Monkey Tail Plants

While monkey tail cacti are fast-growing plants, they have a shallow root system that likes to be slightly rootbound, so they don’t need repotting as often as you might expect.

You usually only have to do this every two years. When the cactus becomes top-heavy, consider repotting in the spring.

Pick a pot that’s around two inches wider in diameter than the original one and spread the roots evenly around the pot width.

Wait at least a week before watering to allow the roots to settle in.

How to Get Monkey Tail Plants to Bloom

You're more likely to be treated to a display of beautiful blooms when grown outdoors in regions with year-round warm climates. However, you could be lucky on rare occasions and see blooms indoors.

Bloom Months

The monkey tail cactus is a free-flowering species. That means it lacks a defined bloom season and will spontaneously flower when conditions are right.

It typically occurs in the warm months of spring and summer.

How Long Does the Monkey Tail Plant Bloom?

The blooms are short-lived, putting on a show for just a few days. However, when conditions are right, repeat blooming is common throughout the growing season.

What Does Monkey Tail Plant’s Flowers Look and Smell Like?

The red or pink flowers of the monkey tail cactus grow to be around 2 inches in diameter. They appear along the stems of the cactus on top of orange-red bracts.

How to Encourage More Blooms

Deadheading spent blooms encourages more to appear on your free-flowering monkey tail cactus. Exposure to colder temperatures in the winter increases the chance of the plant blooming.

Common Pests

Be vigilant for signs of pests that thrive in hot, dry environments, such as spider mites, scale, and mealybugs.

If you just see a few, you might be able to wash them away with a steady stream of water.

For heavier infestations, using an insecticidal soap can be effective.

Common Problems With Monkey Tail Plants

Watch for changes in your Monkey tail plant’s appearance or coloration, as these can be early indicators of problems.

If you act swiftly to identify the issue, you can save your plant before things go too far.

Yellow Stems

If the green stems of your monkey tail cactus start turning yellow this can be sunburn from too much direct sun, freeze damage from prolonged exposure to cold temperatures, or as a result of pest infestations.

Improper watering practices can also lead to yellow stems, especially overwatering, and once root rot sets in, it’s difficult to save an overwatered cactus.

Floppy Stems

Weak, floppy stems can indicate your monkey tail cactus isn’t receiving enough light.

If the stems are also mushy, this could be because you are overwatering or the potting mix doesn’t have sufficient drainage, and root rot is setting it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between the monkey tail plant and rat tail plant?

Rat tail cactus has short, prickly spines that are golden in color rather than soft, white, hairy ones. The stems of the rat tail cactus tend to be shorter and thicker and their flowers are violet-red or pink or orange rather than salmon-red.

Is the monkey tail plant an indoor or outdoor plant?

Most collectors keep the monkey tail cactus as an indoor plant. However, if you live in a region that experiences warm and dry weather year-round, it is possible to grow it outdoors. A bonus is that your plant is more likely to bloom when kept outside. It’s not suitable to grow outdoors in regions that experience long, cold winters or heavy rainfall.

How tall does a monkey tail plant grow?

When grown outdoors, the trailing stems of the monkey tail cactus can reach up to 8 feet long in ideal conditions. If you are growing this species as a houseplant, the stems won’t be quite so long, but can still get to be up to 4 or 5 feet long. As the plant matures, you’ll need to pot them in a sturdy hanging basket or tall planter.

Read the original article on The Spruce.