How to Grow and Care for Kalanchoe Delagoensis (Chandelier Plant)

<p>anutr tosirikul / Getty Images</p>

anutr tosirikul / Getty Images

Kalanchoe Delagoensis, also commonly known as the chandelier plant or mother of millions plant, is a type of succulent with clustered, dangling bright orange flowers set against green-gray foliage, often seen with brownish-red spots. The chandelier plant grows best in hot, arid conditions and requires full to partial sunlight, acidic or neutral soil, and temperatures above 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

It is important to note that Kalanchoe Delagoensis is toxic to people and pets.

Common Name

Chandelier Plant, Mother of Millions

Botanical Name

Kalanchoe Delagoensis



Plant Type


Mature Size

4 ft. tall, 2 ft. wide

Sun Exposure

Full, Partial

Soil Type

Loamy, Sandy, Well-drained

Soil pH

Acidic, Neutral

Bloom Time

Winter, Spring

Flower Color


Hardiness Zones

10-11, USA

Native Area



Toxic to pets, toxic to people

Kalanchoe Delagoensis Care

Here are the main care requirements for growing Kalanchoe Delagoensis:

  • Plant in sandy or loamy well-draining soil.

  • Place the plant in a sunny location where it will receive at least 6 hours of sun a day.

  • Water deeply but infrequently, doing so only when the soil is dry.

  • Give fertilizer monthly during the plant’s growing season, if desired. These plants generally propagate prolifically with no additional fertilization.

It is important to note that chandelier plants are considered invasive in some tropical climates. Because of their spreading habits, these plants can quickly take over an area and choke out native flora. For example, this plant is considered invasive in southern Florida. Be sure to check your local area before deciding whether or not to grow this plant.


Chandelier plants require full to partial sunlight; six hours or more is ideal. When growing this succulent outdoors, choose a planting location that receives morning sunshine but adequate protection from the harsh afternoon sun. This will ensure the plant gets enough light while preventing the foliage from burning. As a houseplant, place this plant near a bright window so it can get bright, indirect light.


These hardy plants are not very picky when it comes to soil types, as long as it is not heavy and wet. These plants thrive in sandy, loamy, well-draining soil. It is important that the soil is able to dry out, as wet or soggy soil can cause rot for these plants.


As a succulent, chandelier plants have minimal watering needs. They prefer dry conditions and do best when the soil is allowed to dry out between waterings. Once the soil is dry, water thoroughly and allow all excess water to drain away from the pot.

Like other succulents in the Kalanchoe species, chandelier plants may go dormant during the summer months. During the plant’s dormancy period (marked by no active growth with the possibility of some wilting), withhold water longer than usual—up to two weeks.

Temperature and Humidity

Kalanchoe Delagoensis thrives in warm temperatures, ideally in tropical climates. For outdoor growing, they do best in USDA zones 10 and 11 and cannot handle temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. As for humidity, the chandelier plant enjoys medium to very low humidity. It does not do well in high humidity.


Kalanchoe Delagoensis does not often need fertilizer to grow strong and healthy, and it will continue to grow and produce many plantlets without it. However, if you want to encourage more growth, a well-balanced succulent fertilizer can be given monthly during the growing season.


You likely will not need to prune a chandelier plant, but if it’s growing too tall or has gotten leggy from not enough light, you may wish to trim it. Simply snip the plant above a set of leaves. This will encourage the plant to create a bushier appearance and stimulate branch development.

Propagating Kalanchoe Delagoensis

The plant earns its name ‘Mother of Millions’ because it is extremely easy to propagate. You can propagate the plantlets or take a cutting.

To propagate the plantlets, you will need well-draining, sandy soil and a small pot with drainage holes. Then follow these instructions:

  1. Once your plant has produced plantlets, choose a healthy, large plantlet you would like to propagate.

  2. Gently grasp the plantlet and twist until it pops off of the mother plant.

  3. Place the plantlet on top of moistened, sandy soil.

  4. Water the soil when it begins to dry out. Keep the plantlet in bright, indirect lighting.

  5. The plantlet will develop roots and begin to grow in a few weeks.

If you would like to propagate this plant with a cutting, you will need a small pot with drainage holes, sandy, well-draining soil, and a pair of sharp snips. Then follow these instructions:

  1. Select a portion of your plant that you would like to propagate. Ideally, it should be around 4 inches long.

  2. Snip above a set of leaves.

  3. Set the cutting aside and allow the cut end to callus over the course of a few days.

  4. Once a callus has formed, plant the cutting into moistened, well-draining soil.

  5. Keep the cutting in bright, indirect lighting. Water once the soil begins to dry.

  6. Roots should form in a few weeks.

Potting and Repotting Kalanchoe Delagoensis

Chandelier plants do very well when kept in pots. It’s an effective way to enjoy these plants indoors, as well as control their spread outdoors. This plant does not often need to be repotted. Depending on how much it goes, you may only need to repot it once every year or two.

It is best to repot it in the spring or summer once the plant is done blooming, if the plant bloomed at all. When the plant’s growth seems stunted and there are roots poking out of the pot’s drainage holes, it is time to repot. Select a pot with drainage holes that is a couple of inches larger than its current pot. A terracotta pot works well, as it allows the soil to breathe and allows excess water to drain. Gently tip the plant on its side and slide it out of its current pot. Plant it in its new pot with new, well-draining soil.


When kept outdoors in a tropical climate, there is nothing that must be done to overwinter these plants. If you are keeping this plant in a region where temperatures drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit during the winter, you will need to take this plant indoors.

How to Get Kalanchoe Delagoensis to Bloom

This plant produces clusters of bright orange flowers that resemble the dangling crystals of a chandelier. These flowers appear in the late winter to early spring when they are grown outdoors. When kept indoors, they almost never bloom.

To encourage blooming, be sure that the plant receives plenty of bright light but is protected from the harsh afternoon sun. You may also wish to give it some succulent fertilizer to ensure it has all the needed nutrients. Once the flowers fade, you can trim them off.

Common Problems With Kalanchoe Delagoensis

These hardy plants do not often contend with problems. However, under certain circumstances, some issues may present themselves.

Wilting, Soggy Stems

Because Kalanchoe Delagoensis prefers dry conditions, overwatering can easily lead to soggy stems. Eventually, this can cause rot in the plant. If you suspect that your plant is overwatered, stop watering until the soil is dry. If you see signs of wilting, you may wish to change the soil to remove the moisture quickly. If rot is present, cut away the infected parts and replant the plant in dry soil.

Dry, Brown, Curling Leaves

This is a sign of the plant getting too much sun or too little water. If the plant is receiving full sun, it may be getting burned. Move the plant to an area where it will receive bright, indirect light and protection from direct sunlight. If the soil is overly dry, be sure to water it thoroughly and allow all excess water to drain away from the pot.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Kalanchoe Delagoensis a good houseplant?

Kalanchoe Delagoensis makes a great houseplant, as they grow well in pots and do not require large amounts of humidity. Place it near a bright window for the best results.

Is Kalanchoe Delagoensis toxic?

Yes, this plant is toxic to both people and pets. Therefore, it is best to keep it out of reach from children and pets.

Is Kalanchoe Delagoensis an indoor plant?

Chandelier plants can be grown both indoors and outdoors, but only in hot, relatively dry conditions. They do best in growing zones 10 and 11, since they won’t survive temperatures that dip below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Read Next:How to Grow Mother of Thousands (Kalanchoe Daigremontiana)