How to Grow and Care for Crystal Anthurium

<p>The Spruce / Adelyn Duchala</p>

The Spruce / Adelyn Duchala

Reviewed by Kathleen Miller

Anthurium crystallinum is a hard-to-come-by Anthurium species prized for its large, heart-shaped, deep green foliage, which has a velvety texture and striking pale green or silvery-white venation. Commonly called crystal anthurium, the impressive leaves of this species can grow to over 18 inches in length. Crystal anthurium prefers bright, indirect light, consistently moist soil, and high humidity.

Like other Anthurium, crystal anthurium is toxic to people and pets.

Common Name

Crystal anthurium

Botanical Name

Anthurium crystallinum



Plant Type


Mature Size

2-3 ft. tall, 1-2 ft. wide

Sun Exposure


Soil Type

Moist but well-drained

Soil pH

Acidic, neutral

Hardiness Zones

11-12 (USDA)

Native Area

Central America, South America


Toxic to people, pets

Crystal Anthurium Care

Crystal anthurium can be somewhat high-maintenance. Here are the main care requirements for growing a crystal anthurium:

  • Place the plant in bright, indirect light.

  • Prepare well-draining soil.

  • Keep the soil consistently moist but do not let the plant sit in water.

  • Maintain high humidity levels, possibly requiring a terrarium or indoor greenhouse.

  • Fertilize lightly during the growing season.

  • Support your crystal anthurium with a moss pole or trellis to climb.

<p>The Spruce / Adelyn Duchala</p>

The Spruce / Adelyn Duchala

<p>The Spruce / Adelyn Duchala</p>

The Spruce / Adelyn Duchala

<p>The Spruce / Adelyn Duchala</p>

The Spruce / Adelyn Duchala


One of the key conditions to help your crystal anthurium thrive is getting it right with light. These plants are lovers of bright but indirect light. This shouldn't come as a surprise when, in their native environment, they are sitting under a dappled rainforest canopy.

Too much direct sunlight will damage your plant's show-stopping but sensitive veined foliage, and too little means you won't get to appreciate the size and patterns that you would expect.

An east-facing window is typically a top spot. If you only have a south-facing position, add a sheer curtain to filter some of the light. You could invest in grow lights in north-facing rooms to help your plant thrive.


Don't stick your crystal anthurium in any old, random potting soil you find kicking around your garage. This plant needs an airy and well-draining mix to flourish.

Try mixing up a blend of two parts potting soil with one part perlite and one part peat moss (or more sustainable coconut coir). This helps promote consistent moisture and exposes the roots to enough oxygen while minimizing the chance of waterlogging. If you don't want to make your own mix, opt for high-quality orchid soil and add a little gravel and perlite.


While your crystal anthurium appreciates consistent moisture, that doesn't mean dousing it with loads of water. Root rot is a common cause of demise due to overwatering and soggy soil. Wait until the top couple of inches of potting mix dries out before watering again. Stick your finger into the soil to check rather than estimating dryness by sight or on a strict schedule.

And watch out for getting water on those large leaves. Wet foliage encourages pests and fungal diseases.

Temperature and Humidity

It shouldn't be surprising that this plant does best in warm, humid environments, given it's a tropical native. If your house blasts out heat or cool air via HVAC systems year-round, it might not be the plant for you.

Humidity levels need to be above 50 percent, but the most healthy and impressive foliage is likely when levels are above 70 percent. Grouping similar plants together and adding a tray filled with pebbles and water under the plant can also help. Sometimes, you might need to invest in a humidifier to reach the desired levels.

While the crystal anthurium does best in temperatures between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit, it can still survive in rooms that are as mild as 60 degrees Fahrenheit.


While the crystal anthurium isn't a heavy feeder, nourishing during the spring and summer growing months helps promote lush, large, healthy foliage. Feeding with an organic supplement, such as a natural fish emulsion, or a half-diluted balanced houseplant fertilizer monthly should work well.

Always read commercial fertilizer instructions, and avoid fertilizing too frequently, as this can lead to root scorch.


Pruning is not necessary for crystal anthuriums. However, in low-humidity environments, you may find that your leaves become crispy or brown around the edges. If that's the case, it's safe to prune the leaves away. However, it's critical that low humidity be addressed, as leaves will continue to look this way until the issue is resolved.

Propagating Crystal Anthurium

It's relatively easy to do propagate crystal anthurium by division or propagating from stem cuttings. Follow the steps below in spring or summer to give it a whirl.

Propagation by Division

  1. Carefully tease the plant from its pot, trying not to damage the root system.

  2. Shake off loose soil, then rinse off and gently separate the root system, ideally by hand or gently cutting roots away from each other with a sharp, sterile set of scissors.

  3. Make sure each division has at least one leaf, although, ideally, you want multiple leaves for the best success.

  4. Repot the divided plants, ensuring you select appropriately sized pots—too large and you risk overwatering and too small, and they will quickly become rootbound.

Propagation by Stem Cutting

  1. Use a sterile, sharp pair of scissors or pruning shears to take a cutting around 6 inches long and with at least two healthy leaves. Cut below a node (area on a stem where a bud develops). If it also has some aerial roots growing out of it, all the better.

  2. For a better chance of success, allow the cut end to callus over (this usually takes a few days).

  3. Use a fresh, well-drained, loose potting mix to plant the stem cutting in.

  4. Water the soil and keep it evenly moist. Keep the cutting in a warm spot, subject to bright but indirect light.

  5. Propagating is successful if the cutting takes root within one to two months. You can tell the roots have taken if you gently tug the plant and come up against some resistance.

Potting and Repotting Crystal Anthurium

One advantage of the Anthurium crystallinum being a pretty slow grower is that you won't have the hassle of repotting regularly. But, to keep your plant healthy, you will need to move it up a pot size or two when it shows signs of being root bound. You may suspect the plant is root-bound if lots of roots are growing out of the bottom of the pot or out of the soil on the surface.

Try to repot during the spring or summer growing season and opt for a pot with good drainage and breathability (porous terracotta works well). Don't recycle the old potting soil—this will be stripped of all the beneficial nutrients. Provide a fresh, well-drained, loose mix.

Common Pests

If you can avoid overwatering and overly humid conditions, your crystal anthurium will hopefully stay pest and disease free. However, it's worth watching for common pests such as spider mitesaphids, and mealybugs. If you see signs of these bugs, get out the insecticidal soap or neem oil.

Common Problems With Crystal Anthurium

Crystal anthurium can be a somewhat needy plant. Watch out for these early signs you might need to tweak your plant's watering schedule, light, or humidity levels.

Yellowing Leaves

If the glossy green leaves of your crystal anthurium start turning an unsightly yellow shade, it's likely to do with giving it too much water or direct sunlight. Paring back your irrigation schedule or moving your plant to a spot with more filtered sunlight could correct this problem.

Curling or Droopy Leaves

There's nothing worse than the striking large leaves starting to droop, wilt, or curl. The most likely reason for this is getting it wrong with watering. Too much sun and even cold drafts are also culprits for this issue.

Brown Tips

If you don't have high enough humidity or are under-watering your plant, this can lead to unattractive brown tips or spots on the plant's foliage. Scorching from too much direct sunlight can also lead to brown patches.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does crystal anthurium grow fast?

This plant is a relatively slow grower. You might only see around one foot of growth every few years. And don't expect to be blown away by new foliage growth; you are doing well if one new leaf sprouts a month.

Is crystal anthurium rare?

Crystal anthurium is a trendy plant that you'll not likely find in your local garden store. However, it isn't the rarest anthurium species. If you are happy to pay a premium, you should be able to pick one up from a specialist online supplier. Or, if you are lucky, one of your plant-collecting friends may offer you a cutting from their specimen.

Can crystal anthurium live in water?

These moisture-loving, epiphytic species might be able to handle hydroponic growth. However, growing in water isn't their natural environment, so it is a tricky technique, and it won't have guaranteed success. If you want to grow houseplants in water, selecting a water-loving plant like a philodendron species might be a better bet.

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Read the original article on The Spruce.