How to grow basil inside, no soil required

If you’re looking for something to do while spending more time at home, starting your own indoor garden can be a fun activity for you and the family. Indoor gardening can also be a fun new skill you can learn at home during the coronavirus pandemic.

21 Simple Gardening Tips for Beginners

Basil is a tasty herb that can go with just about any weeknight dinner dish or be turned into a jar of fresh, homemade pesto. It is also fairly easy to grow indoors, even for a rookie gardener. A great and inexpensive way to grow basil is through hydroponics.

Hydroponics is the method of growing plants without soil and only water. Not only is this method a good way to save money, but it also makes a fun indoor activity to get your kids involved.

To grow basil hydroponically, you first need seeds and something to place your seeds in. There are six different hydroponic systems that you can build by repurposing household items, but it is best to do your research first to see which method is better for you and your environment.

Basil likes to be grown in warm areas that are about room temperature, which is at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Within a week or two, it should start the germination process, which is when a plant begins to grow roots. Until your seed sprouts its first few leaves, it doesn’t need a lot of sunlight. Basil is versatile and can thrive in eight hours of direct sunlight per day from a windowsill or with indirect sunlight.

Once the seedling sprouts its roots, it will take another three to four weeks to grow leaves that are ready to eat. As long as you keep providing your plant the right amount of water and sunlight, it won’t be too hard to grow basil at home. It’s one of many herbs and vegetables you can grow at home in just water.