A group known as the 'menace cult' is spreading on TikTok

The menace cult is a fast-growing group of TikTok users. Members can be identified by their devil emoji profile pictures. The point of the cult is for people to increase their follower account. You don't really need to be invited to join, you can just change your profile picture to a devil emoji. This will signal to other members you're a part of the movement. Another characteristic of menace cult members is the use of the song "Ryte Night" and "FREEDDAWG" by NBA Youngboy in TikTok posts. The account @menacecultheadquarters claims to be the "official headquarters for the Menace Cult." It has 3,283 followers and just five posts. It's unclear if menace cult members have any goals beyond expansion. The group is rapidly growing so it has become nearly impossible to determine how it actually got started. The #menacecult hashtag currently has over 4.2 million views on TikTok. Trends on social media tend to be ephemeral, so we'll just have to see how long this one lasts and if it goes anywhere