The Groom's Guide to Choosing Colorful Wedding-Day Attire

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molly ed wedding recessional family bride groom daughters

Erin McGinn Photography

Selecting the right wedding-day attire as the groom depends on a number of factors. Will the celebration take place indoors or outside? Will the dress code be formal or casual? What will the groom feel most confident wearing? Color also plays a big role in creating the right look. Wedding planner and designer Jove Meyer says, "Color can be incorporated into a groom's wedding look in any number of ways, and I encourage grooms to really have fun with it! A wedding is celebratory occasion, after all." Here, we take a look at what goes into ensuring a groom looks and feels great while donning just the right amount of color on the big day.


Determine how much color you're comfortable wearing.

"If you love color, I suggest going big with a colorful tuxedo or suit," Meyer says. "You can keep it formal by going with all one color for the pants and jacket. If you want to play it more casually, you could do pants in one color and the jacket in another. If you prefer more of a pop of color, your tie or bow tie are great places for pops. If you're even more shy with color, you can go with a colorful pocket square, socks, laces, or shoes."

Choose a look that works well with what your partner is wearing.

Though you may not be privy to exactly what your fiancé will be wearing on your wedding day, you can work together to make sure the looks coordinate appropriately. Meyer says, "When playing with color, you want to make sure it all works for you, and that you look good next to your fiancé. You should complement them in some way, or contrast on purpose."

Consider incorporating a pattern for color.

In the case of solid colors feeling too bright or bold, you might consider a subtle pattern that brings in a color. Meyer says, "Colors are often thought of in solids, but patterns are another fun way to bring color in without the look being as overwhelming."

For sharpness, add a black lapel.

New York-based bridal and wedding attire stylist Jackie Avrumson says, "A great way to pull off a bold look is by picking a jacket that you can accent with a black lapel-whether it's white, gray, navy, textured, and so on-and keep the tie in the ivory or black color. This keeps the look sharp and adds interest to the entire outfit."

Experiment until you strike a balance.

"I suggest finding the balance that works best for your style, be it with color, pattern, or texture," Meyer says. "You should feel like a million bucks in your outfit. So, when trying things on, if you don't light up, move on! Explore with color by trying things you've never worn before to see how you feel. You can build from there."