The Grinch Is Spreading Anti-Holiday Spirit Far and Wide This Year

We spoke to the infamous Dr. Seuss character about his new Christmas gig, his disdain for devices, and what makes his heart grow nowadays.



"You’re a podcast host, Mr. Grinch…"

OK, that’s not quite how the song goes but it’s an insight into what’s keeping The Grinch busy this holiday season. The enduring Dr. Seuss character is spreading his furry fingers and doing what he always does in the end—trying something new. Instead of stealing presents, this time around he’s stealing hearts with a new Wondery show called Tis The Grinch Holiday Talk Show.

The cheeky new audio series will feature The Grinch, voiced by Saturday Night Live’s James Austin Johnson, and boasts guests like Skai Jackson, Patton Oswalt, and more. It debuted widely on Monday, November 6. New episodes will air until December 21.

“I have always felt a kinship with The Grinch, and while some actors wouldn’t touch this role with a 39-and-a-half foot pole, I am honored to be the voice behind everyone’s favorite deplorable character this holiday season,” Johnson said in a press release. “Getting into the character's shoes–or rather, furry green feet–has been a wild and rewarding ride. I can't wait for listeners to join us live from Who-Ville for some mischief, and maybe even some fun.”

We connected with The Grinch himself to learn more about his new podcast, what’s keeping him surly these days, and what made the world’s biggest misanthrope want to talk to people for a whole season.

Hi Grinch! I'm so excited to be speaking with you. How are you doing? 

Hello. Hi. It’s me—everyone’s favorite green, holiday curmudgeon—The Grinch! Can’t say that I’m as excited as you are about this interview, so let’s get this show on the road.

Let's dive right into it. You haven’t always been known for being super sociable. What made you want to engage with people in such a public way? 

After my little misunderstanding with the jolly citizens of Who-Ville a few years back, the Department of Corrections came up with the grand idea(and when I say grand idea, I really mean looney idea) to “sharpen my social skills” with a court-ordered late-night talk show.  For the record, I wasn’t trying to steal anything. I was definitely planning to return all of those presents. I digress.

Were you interested in podcasts before the court order?  

This might blow your mind, but I’ve actually been interested in podcasts for quite some time.  I really love a nice, self-indulgent monologue, so cozying up in my cave on Mount Crumpit with a good podcast is one of my favorite pastimes. Who wouldn’t want to hear some guy in Kalamazoo give his hot takes on foreign policy? Sign me up!

You could’ve started a column or launched an Instagram account, but you chose a podcast. I’m fascinated. Can you tell me why a podcast was your platform of choice?

Give me a microphone and I’ll rant and complain about the noise, noise, noise, noise, noise of the holiday season for hours! But the good people at Wondery said I only have 25 minutes for each episode, so I guess that’s lucky for the listeners. And as far as a podcast being my “platform of choice,” well, the pickings are slim. I have a whole rant in one episode about why the Grinch hates TikTok. I don’t need to see any more screens, honey. Just give me something sweet for the ears.

Who are some of the inspirations behind your interview style? 

I was going to try to impress you by saying Barbara Who-lters, but who are we kidding? It’s me. I’m my own favorite conversationalist. I’m an inspiration to all.

You’ve shared a few of the special guests who’ll appear on the podcast. What was it like connecting with Skai Jackson, Shawn Johnson East, and Cody Rhodes?

I told them that if I was going to do this talk show, I didn’t want to talk to just anyone.   So I told my producer Cindy Lou to, “Reach for the stars, baby!”  As you can imagine, it takes a lot to impress me, and yeah, I guess most people would say that my guests have impressive accolades—an Olympic Gold Medalist, a WWE superstar, an actress—but what was really impressive was how much they tried to force their Christmas agenda down my throat.

Have there been any heartfelt moments on the show?

Well, my guests have a nasty habit of trying to force my poor heart to triple in size. They’re relentless. Patton Oswalt literally made me cry. I mean, there should be legal repercussions for what these people put me through. Despite the annoying encouragement from my guests and Cindy Lou and the advent calendar with little festive doo-dads that I open on each episode, I definitely managed to stop their Christmas spirit from really getting to me.

You had a very public 180° regarding your feelings on Christmas. Still, I know that doesn’t mean that you’re always over the moon to hear carolers and partake in all of the festivities. Do you have any tips for any other Grinches who are also looking to avoid all of the bells and whistles the holiday season brings? 

Find a cold, desolate mountain far off from society—definitely far enough away to drown out the sounds of cheerful communities opening presents below—throw your beeping mobile devices off the edge of the cliff and set up camp for the rest of your life.

What makes your heart grow these days? 

Why is everyone set on causing me to have a cardiac event!? If I had to say one thing, it would be my faithful dog Max who loves a good puppy treat [that] makes his heart grow. And the fact that I’m done with recording this podcast.

Do you have an on-air sign-off? If so, can you share it? If not, what would it be? 

I usually just shoo my guests away because I’m too eager to get back to my life of solitude, so nothing too official.  If I had to choose an on-air sign-off, it would probably be “Cindy Lou, cut the feed! I’m done with these losers!”

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