Americans Who Moved Away From The US To Another Country, I Want To Know What You Miss Most

Leaving the US to move to a new country can be difficult, but it's certainly not impossible.

person shrugging and saying in theory it's possible
person shrugging and saying in theory it's possible

Rooster Teeth / Via

In fact, there are reportedly over 8 million Americans living outside the country.

samuel l jackson looking surprised
samuel l jackson looking surprised

Marvel / Via

If you're one of them, what do you miss — or not miss — about living in America?

person saying i'm listening
person saying i'm listening

Your Happy Workplace / Via

Maybe you miss a chain restaurant that only has locations in the US, or even the diner in your hometown that serves the best milkshakes you've ever had.

uma thurman drinking a milkshake in pulp fiction
uma thurman drinking a milkshake in pulp fiction

Miramax / Via

On the other hand, maybe the universal healthcare more than makes up for it.

bernie sanders saying healthcare is a human right
bernie sanders saying healthcare is a human right

CNN / Via

Then again, perhaps you still can't get used to not getting ice in your drinks without asking (something that threw me way off the first time I went abroad).

a glass with ice in it
a glass with ice in it

@tarninabarn / Via

Whatever it is, let me know in the comments, or fill out this Google form if you'd like to stay anonymous.