Green Smoothie Bowl with Kiwi and Coconut

When it comes to breakfast bowls, we thought we’d been there, done that. But this green smoothie bowl has us newly obsessed. It’s basically a heartier version of a smoothie, given all the toppings you can load it up with—not to mention, it’s an easy way to sneak more fruits and vegetables into your day.

The secret to this recipe’s verdant hue is spinach, which adds a nutritious boost of vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid, iron, calcium and fiber. But thanks to a banana and an apple, you can’t taste a hint of the vegetable.

Ready thy blenders.

RELATED: Green Smoothie with Avocado and Apple

Green Smoothie Bowl

Servings: 2 servings



2 cups spinach

1 frozen banana

1 avocado

1 apple

¼ cup almond milk

½ cup ice

1 kiwi, sliced

2 tablespoons goji berries

2 tablespoons toasted coconut

1 tablespoon chopped macadamia nuts


1. In a blender, combine the spinach, banana, avocado, apple, almond milk and ice; blend until smooth.

2. Pour the smoothie into two bowls and garnish with the kiwi, goji berries, toasted coconut and macadamia nuts.