Green Goddess Avocado Sandwich Recipe

Stacked green goddess vegetable sandwich
Stacked green goddess vegetable sandwich - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

Many people might not think that an all-vegetable sandwich can be filling or satisfying, but they likely haven't had the right kind. "Avocado and sprout sandwiches are everywhere in my hometown of Los Angeles," says recipe developer Taylor Murray. "I like to make them all kinds of ways, but if I have a bunch of herbs, I'll add a tasty sauce or dressing to jazz it up."

To make a veggie sandwich even more exciting without adding meat or cheese, Murray opted to use green goddess dressing as a spread instead of mustard or mayonnaise. Green goddess dressing has been around for decades, with origins dating back to San Francisco in the '20s. While the base ingredients can vary some, the flavor of this dressing comes from a good amount of fresh, green herbs. The resulting dressing is springy and fresh with just a hint of kick -- perfect for a crisp veggie sandwich.

Read more: 13 Simple Tricks To Pick The Best Fresh Fruit Every Time

Gather The Ingredients For A Green Goddess Sandwich

Ingredients for green goddess sandwich
Ingredients for green goddess sandwich - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

For the sandwich itself, we will use two slices of crusty country bread, ripe avocado, lettuce leaves, slices of cucumber, and fresh sprouts, such as broccoli or alfalfa. Instead of mustard or mayo, we'll make a creamy green goddess dressing to spread on the bread. Green goddess dressing is made with a variety of fresh herbs -- we use basil, chives, mint, and dill, plus lemon juice, shallot, Greek yogurt, and mayonnaise.

Step 1: Add The Dressing Ingredients To A Blender

Blender full of green herbs
Blender full of green herbs - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

In the bowl of a blender, combine the herbs, shallot, lemon juice, yogurt, mayonnaise, and 1 pinch salt.

Step 2: Blend

Blended green goddess dressing
Blended green goddess dressing - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

Blend until smooth. Set aside.

Step 3: Toast The Bread

Two slices of country bread
Two slices of country bread - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

Lightly toast the bread.

Step 4: Spread Dressing On The Bread

Green dressing spread on bread
Green dressing spread on bread - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

On one slice, spread 2 tablespoons of the green herb mixture.

Step 5: Add Vegetables

Vegetables on toasted bread
Vegetables on toasted bread - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

Top with cucumber, lettuce, and sprouts.

Step 6: Add Avocado

Avocado on toasted bread slice
Avocado on toasted bread slice - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

On the other slice, layer the avocado.

Step 7: Sandwich The Two Sides Together

Completed green goddess vegetable sandwich
Completed green goddess vegetable sandwich - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

Sandwich both sides together.

Step 8: Slice And Serve

Green sandwich cut in half
Green sandwich cut in half - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

Slice in half to serve.

What Are Some Other Uses For Leftover Green Goddess Dressing?

Bowl of green goddess dressing
Bowl of green goddess dressing - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

The batch of green goddess dressing in this recipe will yield much more than you need for the actual sandwich, so how can you use it all up? Aside from making more sandwiches with the dressing, there are a lot of ways to use this verdant sauce. If sandwiches are what you have in mind, try slathering the dressing on a turkey burger or substituting it for the mayo in a tuna salad sandwich.

Branching out from there, green goddess dressing can be used to dress a salad, the contents of which are up to your taste. A salad packed with veggies and chickpeas or cheese is a good place to start. You can also use green goddess dressing as a dip for a fresh vegetable crudités platter or even chips as an alternative alongside more traditional options like onion dip.

What Other Herbs Can You Use In Green Goddess Dressing?

Plate of fresh green herbs
Plate of fresh green herbs - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

If you have a bumper crop of fresh herbs in your garden or maybe just went a little crazy at the farmer's market, you might be feeling the urge to get these delicate greens used up. After all, fresh herbs are not known for their longevity. First, let's make a distinction between types of herbs. Soft herbs include things like dill, cilantro, mint, parsley, basil, chervil, and chives. Think herbs that have softer stems that are mostly edible. The "hard" herbs are those with woodier stems, like rosemary, thyme, and marjoram.

All of the soft herbs are fair game for a green goddess dressing, and you can mix and match as you please. If you seek a more balanced flavor, start with ½ cup parsley, which has a mild taste that won't overwhelm the sauce. Add other herbs in ¼ cup (or less) increments up to a total amount of 1 ¼ cup. Taste to see how you like it, and adjust accordingly.

Green Goddess Avocado Sandwich Recipe

Halve of green goddess sandwich
Halve of green goddess sandwich - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

Prep Time: 15mCook Time: 5mYield: 1 sandwichIngredients

  • ½ cup fresh basil leaves

  • ⅓ cup fresh mint leaves

  • ⅓ cup fresh cilantro

  • ⅓ cup dill

  • 1 small bunch chives

  • 1 medium shallot, peeled and quartered

  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

  • ½ cup full-fat Greek yogurt

  • ½ cup mayonnaise

  • 1 pinch salt

  • 2 thick slices country bread

  • 1 Persian cucumber, thinly sliced

  • 4 lettuce leaves

  • ⅓ cup sprouts (such as broccoli or alfalfa)

  • ½ ripe avocado, sliced


  1. In the bowl of a blender, combine the herbs, shallot, lemon juice, yogurt, mayonnaise, and 1 pinch salt.

  2. Blend until smooth. Set aside.

  3. Lightly toast the bread.

  4. On one slice, spread 2 tablespoons of the green herb mixture.

  5. Top with cucumber, lettuce, and sprouts.

  6. On the other slice, layer the avocado.

  7. Sandwich both sides together.

  8. Slice in half to serve.

Read the original article on Tasting Table