Greek yogurt and regular yogurt: Which one should you get?

Greek yogurt is a profitable and popular dairy product.

Cabot Creamery reported that in 2020, the U.S. spent over $7 billion on yogurt — 45% of which was strictly for Greek yogurt. It’s a nutritionally beneficial dairy product, but so is regular yogurt. And regular yogurt is a sweeter, more affordable option.

So what are the differences between Greek yogurt and regular yogurt? And is there a healthier option to utilize in your diet?

What is yogurt, and how is it made?

According to Healthline, Greek and regular yogurt are cultured, or fermented, dairy products. Similar to how buttermilk or sour cream are made, both yogurts are made by making lactic acid from lactose in milk through using specific “good” bacteria (Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus). The preparation is also known as a starter culture.

But both yogurts are prepared differently:

  • Regular yogurt: Made by “heating milk, adding bacteria, and leaving it to ferment until it reaches an acidic pH of about 4.5,” per Healthline.

  • Greek yogurt: Made by taking regular yogurt and “straining it with a cheese cloth or a stainless-steel sieve” between 24 to 36 hours “until its volume is reduced by half,” reported AARP.

Differences in appearance and taste between Greek and regular yogurt

There are a couple differences between each yogurt, both in taste and texture.

In terms of consistency, regular yogurt has a smoother consistency while Greek yogurt is generally thicker — and can be produced even thicker via thickening agents or dry ingredients, according to Healthline.

Taste-wise, regular yogurt is mostly sweet with a hint of sour, while Greek yogurt is tangier.

Which yogurt is healthier?

Although both yogurts come from the same source, each have their own nutritional benefits. AARP shared that Greek yogurt has more protein with less sugar and carbs. But, regular yogurt has more calcium and less calories.

However, it’s not to say that either yogurt can’t be beneficial to the human body. Healthline stated that both yogurts are excellent sources of:

Additionally, both yogurts are rich in probiotics that help support and balance a healthy gut microbiome — which can reduce the risk of inflammation and potentially protect from some illnesses, per Healthline.

The choice is yours

It’s not about which yogurt is healthiest to eat, but which one is healthiest for your diet and your nutritional needs.

Registered dietitian Lisa Valente told EatingWell that if you’re looking for a protein-rich, reduced-sugar type of yogurt, then Greek is for you. But, if you’re looking for yogurt that has more calcium and less calories, then regular yogurt may be the better option.

However, Valente advises not to choose flavored varieties that contain unnecessary amounts of sugar. Instead, try to “add fresh or frozen fruits, a teaspoon or two of honey or maple syrup” if you’re wanting to make your yogurt even sweeter — and still healthy, per EatingWell.

You should also consider the price range. According to Healthline, Greek yogurt is typically more expensive than regular yogurt as it requires more milk to produce it.