The Best Dumbbells, According to Personal Trainers and Fitness Coaches

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For everyone from fitness newbies to elite athletes, dumbbells are an essential piece of workout gear. “They allow for inherent versatility in the way that you train,” says Domenic Angelino, a certified personal trainer (CPT) and lead exercise scientist at Trainer Academy. Because dumbbells come in a wide range of weights, including as few as 2.5 pounds, they allow for more flexibility than other pieces of equipment, like a barbell. They also accommodate a wider range of movement. “You can more easily adjust the way that you perform a dumbbell bench press than you can a barbell bench press,” says Angelino.

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Dumbbells are a must-have in gyms of all kinds, from hotel multi-purpose studios to ultra-personalized at-home gyms. They’re easy to store and relatively space-efficient, particularly if they’re adjustable, which Angelino says is a trend he’s happy to see more of. “Smart dumbbells that allow you to easily change the weight you’re using without having to manually screw on extra plates are super convenient,” he adds. And the more convenient a workout session is, the more likely someone is to get back into their home gym. After all, the worst kind of dumbbells are those that gather dust in the garage.

That being said, dumbbells come in a wide range of price points and styles. So when making your decision, consider two factors: One, however strong you are now is not how strong you will be forever. Two, weights that work for one exercise may not work for another. For example, someone may squat with 50-pound dumbbells but bicep curl with 15-pounders. You need a variety of weights to workout effectively, as well as weights you can grow into as you continue to train.

What the Experts Say

The consensus within the fitness industry is that the best dumbbells aren’t necessarily the most expensive. “Depending on how comprehensive the set is, quality, and complexity, prices tend to range between $70 to $400, with most reasonable options being in the $150 to $300 range,” says Angelino. For this story, SPY also interviewed Kollins Ezekh, a celebrity personal trainer and owner of Members Only Gym in Los Angeles. He says to expect to pay anywhere from $30 to $300 for dumbbells. SPY also spoke to Jordan Fernandez, a strength and conditioning coach who specializes in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. “Consumers should expect to pay anywhere between $1-5 per pound when purchasing dumbbells,” he said.

Besides adjustable dumbbell sets, which are especially helpful for anyone with limited space, the experts are also seeing a trend toward sustainability and tech integration. “Eco-friendly materials and smart technology integration (like tracking features) are gaining popularity,” says Ezekh. With that in mind, he says to still look for dumbbells made of durable materials like rubber or neoprene, and avoid anything prone to chipping or rust.

Here are the dumbbells this team of experts recommends for home gym enthusiasts.

ATIVAFIT Adjustable Dumbbell Set
ATIVAFIT Adjustable Dumbbell Set


ATIVAFIT Adjustable Dumbbell Set

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Price: $499.99

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This set comes highly recommended by Angelino. “These dumbbells allow for the weight to be adjusted up to around 66 pounds. This provides much more flexibility than adjustable dumbbells typically do. Many cap out the weight around 50 pounds or less, which means they have a lot less longevity on your fitness journey.”

This set is adjustable, so it’s convenient to use and easy to store. It’s also made with a no-slip handle and would make a great addition to a home gym. Though other individual dumbbells may cost less, this option gives you a total of 12 dumbbells in one package, from 11 pounds up to 66 pounds, going up in five-pound increments. If you consider buying each of those dumbbell pairs separately, the cost becomes much more reasonable. Plus, they’re durable.

“Since dumbbells are so expensive, it’s important to make sure you purchase ones that last,” says Angelino.

Rogue Dumbbells
Rogue Dumbbells


Rogue Dumbbells

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Price: $17.00 - $445.00

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Anyone who plans to throw, swing, and drop their dumbbells should invest in a pair from Rogue. “Rogue equipment can be pricey, but its durability is unmatched for the average consumer.” As one of the equipment providers for the CrossFit Games, Rogue has earned a reputation for high-quality equipment that is up to any challenge and can weather much more impact than other brands.

BowFlex SelectTech 552-Dumbbells
BowFlex SelectTech 552-Dumbbells


BowFlex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells

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Price: $429.00

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Price: $275.00 $214.00

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This is one of Fernandez’s favorite adjustable dumbbell sets for variety, he recommends it to anyone looking for a wide range of weights. He emphasizes how easy it is to adjust the weight, while also offering a word of caution: “For adjustable equipment, you will always be compromising on durability when you add the adjustability features. There’s just too many small pieces that can break, especially as the weights get heavy. If you plan to lift heavy and/or do exercising that involve dropping the weights, then adjustable may not be the best bet.”

REP FITNESS Rubber Hex Dumbbell Set
REP FITNESS Rubber Hex Dumbbell Set


REP FITNESS Rubber Hex Dumbbell Set

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Price: $3,699.99

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This set is made for strength athletes who are looking to lift heavy but use dumbbells instead of barbells, which Angelino recommends. Doing so may be better for your lifts, says Angelino, because dumbbells allow for a greater range of motion, which can “facilitate greater increases in muscle size.”

Though these dumbbells aren’t cheap, they can accommodate nearly anyone’s lifting needs. In total, they weigh 2,100 pounds and come with their own metal storage rack. They’re also the set of dumbbells in nearly every public and hotel gym in America because of their durability and simple, user-friendly design.

HolaHatha Weight Set
HolaHatha Weight Set


HolaHatha Weight Set

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Price: $249.99 $129.99

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This is the pair Angelino recommends for athletes who only need light weights whether they’re at the beginning of their strength-building journey, are working through an injury, or don’t use dumbbells extensively. For these people, barbells aren’t a great option, says Angelino. “Using something like a barbell would require you to at a minimum lift the weight of the bar, which may not be feasible.” These dumbbells come in a convenient, easy-to-store pyramid rack, and their hexagonal design keeps them from rolling away when set down between sets.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dumbbells

Should You Invest in a High-Quality Pair of Dumbbells? 

“Generally, dumbbell quality doesn’t matter much,” says Angelino. “As long as you can safely use a dumbbell, what matters most is the actual weight that you are lifting.” Small details — like the knurling grip on the handle or the shape of the sides — can make marginal differences in user experience. But for the most part, a weight is a weight. Angelino recommends finding solid deals instead of focusing on the more expensive models.

Is There a Dumbbell Design Feature That I Should Avoid? 

“Generally, I’d look for dumbbells that do not have a rubber grip and have knurling, unless the rubber grip is specially designed with an easy-grip handle,” says Angelino. “It’s also helpful to look for dumbbells that have a rubber casing around their ends but not the grip. This will help save your floors if you ever need to put them down quickly.”

During COVID, There Were a Ton of Online Scams With Fitness Equipment? Is That Still an Issue? 

“While the situation has improved, consumers should still be cautious,” says Fernandez. “To be safe, try to purchase from reputable sellers or directly from the manufacturer, and to be wary of deals that seem too good to be true.”

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