The Great British Bake Off 2021 final, review: it all came down to Giuseppe’s showstopper

Bake Off finalists: Giuseppe, Crystelle and Chigs - BBC
Bake Off finalists: Giuseppe, Crystelle and Chigs - BBC

What a year for Italy. The Bel Paese won the Eurovision Song Contest, the men’s football Euros and a record medal haul at the Olympics. Now it triumphed in The Great British Bake Off (Channel 4) too.

In a tightly fought, nerve-affected final, Giuseppe Dell’Anno became the 12th recipient of that coveted cake-stand trophy. As the “Britalian” said: “My surname translates in English to ‘of the year’. This certainly has been my year.” His compatriots would surely agree.

Rather than merely offering nostalgic escapism, this series of the beloved culinary contest has reflected the real world outside that bunting-draped marquee. Not only did the cast and crew once again form a bio-secure bubble at Down Hall Hotel in Essex but the field included the show’s first post-pandemic baker.

Leicester sales manager Chigs Parmar, 40, only took up the hobby during lockdown, experimenting with sourdough and banana bread like many of us. He realised he had talent, improved his skills by following YouTube tutorials and was flabbergasted to suddenly find himself in the fabled Bake Off tent with little more than a year’s experience. The fact that he’d made it all the way to the final was even more of a fairytale.

This contest also moved with the dietary times, with vegan teenager Freya Cox to the fore and a “Free-From” themed week. Meat-free, dairy-free and gluten-free bakes. What would Mary Berry say?

Chigs flew the flag for lockdown bakers everywhere - BBC
Chigs flew the flag for lockdown bakers everywhere - BBC

There had even been a dramatic late plot twist. Odds-on favourite Jürgen Krauss – the gentle German with bushy eyebrows and a flair for flavour – was unexpectedly knocked out in last week’s semi-final. It was all to bake for again. On paper, this was the most evenly matched climax ever. All three finalists boasted two Star Baker titles and two Hollywood handshakes apiece.

The new favourite was Bristol-based engineer Giuseppe, 45, who’d run Jürgen closest throughout the contest but suffered a wobble in recent weeks. Peaking at the right time was the reigning Star Baker, 26-year-old Crystelle Pereira, a spice specialist whose Asian-influenced flavours and beautiful presentation gradually won over judges Paul Hollywood and Prue Leith. And then came underdog Chigs, the have-a-go hero who’d never lifted a spatula in anger until 18 months ago.

The signature round was to make an exquisitely decorated carrot cake. Nobody covered themselves in gateau glory: Giuseppe’s was too soft, Crystelle’s too wonky, Chigs’ too rubbery. Still level pegging. Even the squirrels in Down Hall’s bucolic grounds looked gripped.

The dreaded technical challenge was a dozen Belgian buns. Giuseppe made an uncharacteristic error by “massively over-baking” his. Translation: burning them. Crystelle was the only finalist not to have triumphed in a technical but she came good at the right time. Going into the second day, the youngest finalist was marginally ahead, much to her own disbelief.

Giuseppe with Bake Off hosts Noel Fielding (left) and Matt Lucas - BBC
Giuseppe with Bake Off hosts Noel Fielding (left) and Matt Lucas - BBC

Sensing this occasion was all about the bakers, hosts Noel Fielding and Matt Lucas took more of a back seat than usual in the eerily empty tent. Emotion was ramped up with heartstring-tugging messages from the bakers’ proud families. Bubbled away in the tent, they hadn’t seen their loved ones for two months.

As ever, it all came down to the crucial showstopper: a magical display worthy of the Mad Hatter’s tea party. Crystelle’s colourful feast looked like it might prevail until the judges cut into her clock-shaped focaccia. Their faces fell. It was raw, unrisen dough. On such moments do finals turn. Agonisingly, Crystelle was out of the running, meaning we were about to get our fourth consecutive male winner.

Edgy Giuseppe goofed again by leaving his oven door open, losing heat. He fell behind, muttering furiously, but his panna cottas clinched it. The judges couldn’t stop scoffing them. When Leith nabbed one for her lunch, the deal was sealed. The Italian stallion succeeded the baby-faced assassin, reigning champion Peter Sawkins.

This was a low-key final, quietly intense but largely free of incident. High stakes meant the bakers all made timing errors. The standard slightly disappointed. Across the series as a whole, Giuseppe was a worthy winner. However, the people’s champion was surely Chigs, flying the flag for lockdown bakers everywhere. God bless that banana bread craze.

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