New Gravity Jump Trail Nearing Completion In Prescott National Forest

If there is one thing all riders can agree on it is that trail development is a good thing. Who would not want more places to ride?

It is especially exciting when new trails are fun descents. Residents of Prescott, Arizona, are close to welcoming a new trail to their network. See some first hits of the jump line below.

This trail is being built by the International Mountain Bike Association. IMBA is the largest trail advocacy group in the world and takes on many projects.

Like Many IMBA projects, this trail is “a beginner-friendly mountain bike optimized descent that is sure to elicit “yews” and “woots” for riders of all abilities. This green flow also features alt lines to feed riders’ progression.”

Prescott is a city in Arizona two hours north of Phoenix. They have a large swath of mountain bike and other off-road trails in their national forest.

As the northern regions of the country get covered in snow and darkness, many people travel to the southwest to ride. Prescott should be on their radar!

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