Grandmother Shares The Speech She Wants Read At Her Funeral — 'Betty & George Are Not Invited'

Woman sharing funeral speech
Woman sharing funeral speech

When a loved one passes, we hope we do them justice by sending them off in the exact way they would have preferred. Without specific instructions, it’s so easy to second-guess yourself or have a conflict with other family members over what should happen.

Fortunately, for the family of one grandmother on TikTok, known as Grandma Lill, she has explicitly laid out exactly what she wants to be said in her honor when it’s her time.

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This grandma performed her own funeral speech by recording a video before she passed.

In the recording, entitled “Play this video at my funeral,” Grandma Lill is wearing a pink t-shirt that reads “You’re not invited to my funeral.” She starts by thanking everyone in attendance before guessing that there are “a lot of people here” and telling them to “have fun.”

The elderly woman then goes on to tell anyone who happens to be crying about her loss to “Stop being a baby. Find a tissue and move one.”

The spunky grandma assured them that there is no reason to be sad because she lived a long life. “I slayed every day and now, I’m going to lay every day. I hope you slay while I decay,” she quipped.



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Grandma made it clear that a woman named 'Bertha' was not welcome at her final goodbye ceremony.

But she didn’t stop there. If Bertha happened to go against her wishes and show up at the funeral, Grandma Lill requested that she be “kicked out.” She also sent the woman a word of warning, saying, “I’m going to haunt you, Bertha!”

Bertha wasn’t the only person on her list of canceled mourners. She also called out “George,” her ex-husband, who she was certain would show up to see her off. He, too, would be kicked out of the funeral if he happened to come, and George could expect his ex-wife to haunt him along with Bertha.

Grandma Lill ended her video by asking her loved ones to “get drunk” and “take a shot for me” and sent her undying love.

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Funeral videos allow the deceased to take part in their own celebration of life.

As humorous as she is, Grandma Lill is doing her family a service by leaving final words with them. They get to hear her voice once more, know that she is at peace with her own death, and they get the confidence of knowing that she truly enjoyed the life she lived.

Funerals are called “celebrations of life,” but if you’ve been to a few, you know that they might not be the upbeat ceremony they are intended to be. With many people sure to mourn her loss, the video the matriarch shot can lighten the mood, making people laugh at a time when smiles might be few and far between.

Funerals aren’t really for the departed but act as a closure for those left behind. A little humor and love can go a long way in helping friends and family members move on with life.

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NyRee Ausler is a writer from Seattle, Washington. She covers lifestyle, relationship, and human-interest stories that readers can relate to and that bring social issues to the forefront for discussion.

This article originally appeared on YourTango