Graham: Thank you, Marianne

I love hearing from my readers because it encourages me to keep writing a weekly column in hopes of helping readers maintain balance in their lives.  Recently, Marianne Shields, a great-grandma, took the time to write me. When I asked if I could share her email, she enthusiastically replied, “I sure hope it encourages other retired folks to hop out there and do fun things.”

Her sweet email reminded me of someone who really “gets it.”  Marianne realizes her world is better with physical activity, a social support system, and volunteering--all things I write about in my columns. While her list of activities may seem exhausting to some, she brings up a good point when she writes, “The hardest part just may be jumping into the activity, but once you do that, the hard part is over.”

What I like about Marianne is that she wraps herself up in a physical activity that automatically involved others and a bit of socializing. Marianne is enjoying Is pickleball, one of the fastest growing sports in America for the third consecutive year. I have been told it is easy to learn to play and is popular because of the open play format that allows players to mix and match.

Ashton Graham
Ashton Graham

It was no surprise to me to learn that Marianne’s volunteering group involves an activity she learned in junior high from a “wonderful home economics teacher.” As a yoga therapist I often ask clients to reflect on activities in their past that brought them joy in hopes that they may rediscover the activity. I know my greatest gift to myself during a time of grief was starting to ride horses again.

Here’s Marianne’s take on living a rewarding life. I know you’ll enjoy it as much as I do.

Your column on the benefits of socializing in this morning's paper was so good. Being lonely isn't healthy for anyone.

I wanted to share what some of us older, retired, fairly active people are doing. We are a group of 25+ who love to play pickleball. Since it's getting hot and often incredibly windy, we play at 6:30 am. Some play every day, others not that often. It's great fun and we've become close friends through this sport. Once a month the group meets for coffee to celebrate those who've had birthdays that month. Keeping in touch is done by text thread, so everyone knows what's going on. Our group is called "A League of Our Own."

Almost two years ago I joined Project Linus, a group that makes blankets and quilts for children who have faced difficult situations. I absolutely love belonging to this group of wonderful ladies. We meet once a month at a local quilt shop to turn in our handwork. My goal is to complete at least six children's quilts monthly.

Meeting for lunch with old friends, going to shows and concerts, or taking long walks with others makes life so much fun. Once you jump into a new activity, the hard part is over. It does take a little courage to march in by yourself, but it is SO worth it.

Thank you for expressing this important means of making a good life for oneself and others.

Listen to Marianne and take your own first step. Stop scrolling on social media and checking emails. Get out of the house and get a dose of the good stuff. The formula that includes physical activity, support systems, and volunteering may be just the prescription you need to fuel your own long, happy, healthy life.

Feel free to share your thoughts with me:

Ashton Graham is an educator, book publisher, photographer, cowgirl and yoga teacher. She is currently studying to become a yoga therapist and lives on a ranch in West Texas. Subscribe to her newsletter “Maintaining Balance”

This article originally appeared on Las Cruces Sun-News: Graham: Thank you, Marianne