Is Gout Linked to Erectile Dysfunction?

Could the pain in your big toe be a sign of erectile dysfunction?

The Doctors discuss new research which found that within two years after a gout diagnosis the risk of erectile dysfunction was 77 percent higher in the group of 48,000 men that were followed for 10 years.

Watch: Diagnosing the Cause of Erectile Dysfunction

They explain that gout is caused initially by an excess of uric acid in the blood, and gout can be found throughout the body and not just in the toes.

Some ways to prevent and avoid developing gout include:

  • Staying at a healthy body weight

  • Staying hydrated

  • Limiting your intake of rich and fatty foods foods

  • Regularly exercise

Watch: What You Can Do to Prevent Erectile Dysfunction

They note that more than 2 million Americans have gout and it occurs more frequently in men. For men is usually appears between the ages of 30 and 50 and for women is often occurs following menopause.