17 Students Who Were Punished At School For Seriously Petty Reasons

Recently, one Twitter user prompted others to share the dumbest things they got in trouble for at school, and this opened a floodgate of replies from disgruntled former students.

what’s the dumbest thing you got in trouble at school for?

— Rach (@RachaelvsWorld) March 29, 2023

Twitter: @RachaelvsWorld

In mass, people began sharing all the silly, ridiculous, and sometimes vindictive stories behind how they got on their teacher's bad side, including members of our own BuzzFeed Community. Here's what they said:

A woman sipping her drink
A woman sipping her drink

VH1 / Via giphy.com

1."I once got in trouble for reading a book while the class watched a movie. The movie was Cars."


2."I got a bathroom pass from the teacher. The bathroom was across the hall. The doors were locked. I tried both girl's and boy's bathroom doors multiple times, then went to the bathrooms at the other end of the hall. When I came back into the classroom, I was sent to the office because I used the wrong bathroom."

"No adult ever checked the doors to see if they were locked."


3."I got kicked out of class and even had to serve detention because I sneezed. I covered my face and said, 'Excuse me.' During detention, my teacher admitted she thought I was faking it to cause a disturbance."


An adult helping a young girl blow her nose
Peopleimages / Getty Images/iStockphoto

4."I got a bunch of detentions for being late to school repeatedly. Which would be fair enough, except that I was only late because the school bus driver was about 90 years old and always drove 15 miles an hour under the speed limit."

"The principal eventually realized the logistical nightmare of making an entire bus full of angry teenagers serve a dozen lunch detentions each and told us to forget it."


5."I got in trouble for raising my hand during attendance."

"We had a sub who was very old school. And he was taking attendance and talking to another student a lil' bit at the same time. He calls my name, and I say here and raise my hand. He yells at me for interrupting his conversation, even though he called my name, and if I didn’t, I’d be marked as absent."


6."Not me, but my mother. Her name is Beth (not Elizabeth, just Beth), and her elementary school teacher told her she needed to write her 'full first name' on her papers. She explained that Beth WAS her full first name, but the teacher told her that her name was Elizabeth."

"My mom kept arguing and was sent to the office. My grandfather had to bring in her birth certificate to prove my mom wasn't lying about her own name."


Daria Zlodyushkina / Getty Images/iStockphoto

7."I got, like, two or three lunch detentions a week for stupid dress code violations, like untucked shirts, my ID not being visible, or my skirt being too short."


8."My French teacher told us to work on a particular assignment in our textbooks, so we started doing so. She goes, 'Why are you all talking? Do your assignment!' and I said, 'Madame, it’s a partnered speaking exercise.'”

"She picked up everything on my desk, threw it into the hall, and told me to sit out there for the rest of class."


9."I had the hiccups, and my teacher made me leave because she thought they were annoying. I first got sent to the nurse who said there was nothing for her to do, and she didn't know why I was sent to her. So, she sent me back to my teacher, and my teacher made me sit in the hall."


A student sitting in the hall with their books in their lap
Floresco Productions / Getty Images/Image Source

10."I got in trouble for taking out a second sheet of paper. It was 5th grade, my teacher was toxic, and his method of punishment was humiliation. He told us to take out a sheet of notebook paper for a writing exercise. By his explanation of it, I knew I would need a second sheet, so I got two out. He saw, yelled at me, and made me put my head down on my desk for a while."

"I did, in fact, end up needing that second sheet. So, sorry for thinking ahead and correctly anticipating what the task required instead of waiting for your micromanaging ass to order us to get a second sheet if we need it? Everyone I've worked with or for has appreciated my ability to think ahead and be fully prepared, so fuck you, Mr. P."

Alex F

11."I volunteered to help clean up after an event. Me and a couple of others were sweeping the floor when a teacher came up and said you should only sweep things toward you, not away. Fine, we swept everything toward us. A second teacher came up and told us to only sweep away, not toward us so we don't get dust on ourselves. Fine, we sweep away instead. The first teacher walked past and yells at us for 'sweeping the wrong way' when he already told us to sweep toward ourselves. We were 9 and 10 at the time. Never volunteered to help at that school again."


12."I had a Spanish teacher in high school who gave me an F for the day because I said narwhals are real."

"She told me that narwhals are imaginary and that 'National Geographic is a fake magazine, and it's all environmentalist propaganda meant to make you think the Earth is round.' She was apparently let go at the end of the school year."


A narwhal in the ocean
By Wildestanimal / Getty Images

13."My 7th-grade teacher was ex-military and always seemed to get a kick out of humiliating his students."

"On one occasion, he decided to have an 'interactive' science lesson by going around the room and having us stand up one by one and read science facts from a few assigned pages in the textbook. Several rounds of this, and when I found out that there was nothing else I could read, he got the whole class to laugh at me for not having anything to say, and then proceeded to tell the entire class I was getting detention. After I'd served this detention, he told me that I did not work hard enough. What a dick."


14."When I was in grade four, a boy in my class slapped my bum. So, I stomped on his foot. We both got punished, and my punishment was basically sticking my head out the window for 15 minutes."

"The reason this struck me even then as really cruel punishment was because my bum just got slapped, and now I have to spend 15 minutes exposing it to the whole class as I’m awkwardly bent over looking out this low window. Can you say cruel and unusual for a 10-year-old."


15."I once got detention for three lunch periods because I didn’t tell the lunch monitors there was a fight happening."

"A bunch of other kids ran to report the fight already and I figured it wouldn't help much if I also told on the kids fighting. I wasn’t a part of the fight, yet I got in trouble for not reporting it when a bunch of other people did."


A teacher breaking up a fight between students
Terryj / Getty Images

16."In 7th grade, I was partnered with the most popular girl in my grade for an assignment about proportions. We had to create an accurately scaled larger version of an everyday object, so we chose a Q-tip. I did all of the math and all of the work constructing a massive Q-tip. We filled in our worksheet, which was light yellow, and turned it in. The popular girl got an A+, and I got an A."

"Why? Because she corrected her errors with yellow Wite-Out that matched the paper, and I used regular Wite-Out. I got in trouble when I challenged him on the grade and accused him of playing favorites. It’s been almost 25 years, and I’ve never forgotten, Mr. S."


17."Myself and two students helped put away chairs after an assembly. We came back to our 6th-grade class and walked in a line through the door: the boy, the girl, and then me. The teacher decided to berate me in front of everyone for being late back to class despite knowing where I was and why."

"But nothing was said to the other two. She did this often, singling me out. Come to find out my mom beat her husband for president of a civic club 12+ years before, so she felt justified in making my life miserable. Petty ass."


Now I'm curious: What was the most ridiculous reason why you got in trouble at school? Let us know in the comments.