GoT S8 Will Put Each Character in a New Location

Photo credit: HBO
Photo credit: HBO

From Cosmopolitan

In Game of Thrones' seventh season, we saw characters travel to new lands and team up with unexpected characters: Daenerys landed in Dragonstone and also flew North of the Wall at the end of the season, Jon Snow formed an alliance with Khaleesi and went to King's Landing to negotiate with Cersei, and Arya and Bran Stark finally returned to Winterfell after seasons away from home. In Season 8, expect even more relocating.

In an interview with TV Guide, GoT actor John Bradley (Samwell Tarly) revealed that our onscreen faves will find themselves in new surroundings in the final season: "Each of the characters this year is placed in a completely alien environment at some point in the season that they’ve never been placed in before," he said. "The thrill is seeing how they react to it and how they respond... This season, I think, more than any other is stretching these characters."

Photo credit: HBO
Photo credit: HBO

The end of Season 7 set us up for these relocations in Season 8: Jon and Daenerys were en route to Winterfell, a new location for Dany; Jaime Lannister was fleeing King's Landing after leaving things on a shaky note with Cersei; Euron Greyjoy was heading east to retrieve the Golden Company; Sam left the Citadel with Gilly and Little Sam and arrived to Winterfell with mind-blowing info about Jon's heritage; and most importantly, the White Walkers and Army of the Dead finally made it south of the Wall.

Photo credit: HBO
Photo credit: HBO

But we have a long way to wait before we find out what happens to these characters next. Last week, actress Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark) confirmed that Season 8 won't returns until 2019. Currently, the cast is mid-production, with about six or seven months left to go, Turner said.

The cast is aware of how excited fans are and how high their expectations will be for the final season. "We know that we've got a real job to do. This has been a part of people's lives for so many years," Bradley told TV Guide. "This is our eighth season, and we are kind of feeling the pressure to get it right because we want to satisfy people. We want to give people a payoff that they're going to be happy with."

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