I Got My Lips Professionally Tattooed To Add A Subtle Color And I'm So Mad I Didn't Do This Sooner

Hello, everyone! I'm Hannah, and I love testing and trying things ranging from Starbucks fall coffees, to hair products, to dating challenges, and today I'm back with something new — lip tattoos!

Commonly called either a lip blush or lip neutralization, a lip tattoo is basically exactly what it sounds like: Color is deposited onto your lips using a needle. But it's not your mother's lip liner tattoo: The results are a lot more subtle, and they include your entire lip, not just the edges. Now, I love trying out beauty treatments, especially things that make it easier to do my makeup — so, I decided to head over to Sculpted Studios and see what it's all about! The studio is located in NYC, though there are also locations in Miami and Phoenix.

Sculpted Studio

While I love doing makeup, my face tends to sweat kind of a lot, and I've loved not wearing as much makeup in the summers or on vacations, or at the gym/on hikes. It's also nice to wake up and feel like you're already kind of ready to leave the house!

Hannah Marder / BuzzFeed

I had my treatment done by Carla Ricciardone, a Permanent MakeUp (PMU) industry leader, influencer, and educator as well as the owner and master cosmetic artist at the award-winning permanent makeup studio, Sculpted Studios.

Carla started me off with LOTS of info on lip blushing, which was helpful because, frankly, there's a bit of conflicting info online. First off, she assured me that lip blushing, or tattooing, does NOT increase the size of your lips. It does not overline your lips (and I would caution away from any artist suggesting it can/does). It merely affects the color, and may make your lip borders appear more even and defined.


As Carla and her NYC studio manager Cori told me, it's all about enhancing your natural lip shape. In fact, I was struck with just how passionate they both were about the industry of cosmetic tattooing, and how firmly they both felt that its goal is not to change anything on your face, but to bring out your natural beauty. They were both so genuinely excited about color theory, cosmetic tattooing, lip shapes, etc. They both almost fangirled about my lip shape, and I've never felt so good about myself, lol.

The biggest thing you have to know about lip blushing, though, is that contrary to what you may have heard...it is NOT temporary. It's a tattoo, and it's permanent.

20th Century Fox

You may have heard that cosmetic tattoos "fade" — what actually happens is that over time, the sun and water and different face creams and treatments change the color of the tattoo. Also, layers of your skin gradually wear away. But the tattoo doesn't go away — it just appears faded due to these factors. But the only way to truly get rid of any kind of tattoo completely is through laser removal. You CAN do this with things like eyebrow and eyeliner tattoos — a bit of a "dark secret" Carla told me is that all permanent face makeup will likely have to be removed eventually if you want it to stay flattering, because it gets to a certain point where you can't add any more pigment to the skin, and the shape is already so defined that it's difficult to change.

Unlike other cosmetic tattoos, however, lip blushing CANNOT be removed, because the lips are a membrane — they aren't skin. Carla says she knows of laser technicians who will try removal, but that there really isn't a good way of removing it. However, as a fast-evolving industry, she's hoping there will soon be a way.

This is all to say that you should be really, really sure about your lip tattoo — and you should definitely start with a subtle color. You can always add color, but you can't take it away. For my part, I decided to give Carla full power over the color. She suggested something close to my lip tone, which is peachy with some cool undertones. Choosing from multiple pigments, she mixed up a color unique to me.

Color tints for lips

After mixing the color, the next step was lining my lips and figuring out my lip shape. I'm fairly ambivalent about my lips, but I have been told by others that I have no upper lip, and I do sort of feel like it disappears into my skin because of its lack of color or a defined border. While this isn't necessarily something that bothers me a lot, I was shocked to see what the actual shape of my upper lip was after she outlined it in white for me to see. I wasn't necessarily insecure about my lips before, but seeing their actual shape made me actually start to like my lips.

Hannah's lips outlined

Oh, and before I forget — there is some pre-care instructions you have to follow. One Carla emphasized was that if you've had even one cold sore in your life, it's important to have a doctor to prescribe you Valtrex for the day before, of, and after as the needle can trigger an outbreak that will affect healing. Also, everyone should be gently exfoliating their lips in the week prior, and you should avoid alcohol and too much caffeine — which was difficult for me, as I pretty much rely on my multiple daily coffees.

The WB

I'll be honest, I forgot to exfoliate and had also just gotten off a flight, and you can tell my lips are a bit chapped. This may have affected my lip sensitivity and pain level during the tattooing.

Here are some of the other pre-care instructions:

— avoiding lipstick, retinols near your lips, and sun for the week prior

— drinking lots of water and keeping your lips hydrated for the week prior

— avoiding blood thinners like ibuprofen in the 24 hours prior

After the lining process, Carla went in with the needle! Now, I'm not going to sugarcoat this for y'all...it's literally a tattoo on your lips. It felt like constant mini bee stings. You can numb your lips, but it can affect results because the cream makes your lips rubbery and difficult to work with, and can blanche the color. So, personally, I chose not to, though before the third and final pass of color, Carla ended up adding the cream.

Hanna's lips getting tattooed

The whole process — from lining my lips in white to being completely done — was probably about two hours, though there were small breaks, and it was much better after I was numb. There were also parts where she basically just massaged my lips, which felt nice. At the end, I had to hold a mix of Arnica and aloe vera on pads against my lips for about 10-15 minutes, then she doubled checked everything and showed me how to apply the ointment.

"this is my just-rolled-out-of-bed hair :( that I am now wishing I had at least brushed"
Hannah Marder / BuzzFeed

At the end, Carla gave me a mirror, assuring my that I was still very swollen. "If I had a dollar for every person who said 'it looks so swollen, but the color is amazing,' I wouldn't have to work anymore," she joked. And readers — that is exactly what I said when I looked in the mirror.

Hannah's tattooed lips

Still, I loved the color and the shape, and Carla immediately assured me that the worst of the swelling would be gone in a few hours. "Most of it is from me stretching your lip around," she assured me. But it is also a wound — she's just been scratching my lips for two hours. In this before-and-after, you can see how much bigger my lips are. I look like I got a ton of filler.

Closeup of Hannah's lips

Here's how it looked by the time I went to bed, at which time I felt MUCH better. The color was still much darker than it would be. Carla told me it was at 100% saturation, and that over the next week, it might peel slightly or look faded, but that once it settled, it would be at about 40-60% saturation. And after my touch-up in two months, it would likely be closer to 70-80%. The second appointment can also even out any inconsistencies after your healing from the first appointment, so it is recommended to have two. Sometimes, people need even more than two appointments if their lips seem to not be taking the color as well.

Hannah's tattooed lips

Carla had provided me with a cute little aftercare kit of a straw, antiseptic wipes, and ointment. You can check out the full aftercare here, but mainly it involves cleaning your lips with the wipes the first two days, then applying a thin layer of ointment with a Q-tip for the next week. The more difficult part is keeping your lips dry and clean — you shouldn't work out or fully wash your face (you can use a washcloth after two days), and you need to drink all liquids through a straw. You should also eat with a fork and knife and avoid spicy food, and you shouldn't kiss anyone. The good news was my lips appeared pretty normal throughout the healing process, if a bit uneven.

Closeup of Hannah's tattooed lips

This all made washing my hair and showering very hard. But for me, the hardest part was not being able to use my trusty Burt's Bees. You shouldn't use chapstick, lipstick, or even vaseline in the week after your appointment — just the ointment provided.

Hannah Marder / BuzzFeed

Here's how my lips looked when they had healed, about a week later — I'm not wearing anything here but clear gloss!

Closeup of Hannah's lips

Obviously, it's a subtle result — but you could definitely go with something more dramatic if you wanted to!

Hannah Marder / BuzzFeed

Two months later, I went back for my touch-up. Here's the final comparison of my lips before the lip blush and after two sessions!

Before and after of Hannah's tattooed lips

Overall, I was really happy I did this, especially in the way it defined the top border of my lip. I feel like I appreciate my lips more and highlighted something on my face that I took for granted. I do recommend it, but I know that people have their own opinions on things like cosmetic tattooing — it's not for everyone!

Warner Bros. Pictures

I also know I'm incredibly privileged in my job that I was able to do this for free, and I know not everyone can. Costs are very dependent on your artist/studio, but they can range from $500 to closer to $1500. While you may be able to receive discounts for consenting for your photos to be used, watch out for cheaper prices than that. And no matter what, please make sure you are choosing the person you feel is the most qualified. If they mess up, they can literally damage your face for life — cosmetic tattooing popularity has vastly risen in the last decade, and regulations have not caught up to it.


So, if you're thinking about lip blushing...save up, do your research, go in with realistic expectations, and start small! As Carla emphasized, trends change, and this applies to makeup, too (especially eyebrows). It's better to underdo it than overdo it! Happy lip blushing, everyone!!!

If you'd like to book with Carla or her other artists, like Cori, check out her website!

Note: I received this service free of charge but I was under no obligation to review it in a positive light, and these are my honest thoughts.