Gorilla Mom Lovingly Watches as Her Baby Plays on the Swing for the First Time

In May 2023, Zoo Atlanta welcomed a bouncing baby boy into the family when a gorilla named Shalia had her baby. Since then, the baby - Willie B. III - has been learning all about his world, and mom has been with him every step of the way.

The zoo shared a video on Thursday, February 22 of Willie getting to play on a swing for the first time...it looks like he enjoyed it! Watch as mom helps her little boy learn how to balance and move around on the swing. While she doesn't take her eyes off of him, she isn't overly protective and lets him experiment with his new toy.

Isn't the baby just adorable? I loved watching the mom watch him, and how gentle she was with him. The zoo noted on the video's overlay that the video was captured by a camera inside their indoor enclosure that they stay in at night or during inclement weather, but that they have access to the expansive outdoor enclosure all day long. This allows the baby to explore and play both inside and outside. Zoo Atlanta commenters loved the video, too and shared what a great mom Shaila seems to be. @Jenny B shared, "I love how she makes sure he is safe but doesn't automatically rescue him when he reaches out. She lets him problem solve and figure it out." @julia_h93 said, "I wish Shalia could adopt Jameela from Fort Worth Zoo", and I think that's a great idea!

Related: Zoo's Baby Gorilla 'Demands' Dad Play with Her Just Like a Human Kid

Fun Facts About Baby Gorillas

Baby gorillas are very curious, playful, and adorable, much like human babies. They are called infants just like ours are and spend the first six months of their lives attached to mom - usually on her back or stomach. Now that Willie's almost a year old, he's getting more independent and a little more freedom to explore himself, but mom is always very close by. Babies stay with mom for the first four years of life, spending a lot of time bonding and learning how to find food, grooming, build a nest, and everything else they need to know before heading out on their own (for the males).

I didn't know this, but they also spend a lot of time with their dads. Dads are fierce protectors and will often let them sleep in their nests, giving mom that much needed alone time we all look forward to.

Gorillas start to learn to walk around eight or nine months old, which means if Willie isn't already doing it, he will be soon. I hope when he takes his first steps that the zoo will share with all of us - I'm sure it'll be absolutely adorable to see!

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