Gorgeous Cat in Great Britain Is Set to Be Crowned the Oldest Cat in the World

Rosie is 144 years old in human years.

The title of the world's oldest living cat may soon be passed on to a new furry feline. Rosie, a rescue cat from the UK, is set to celebrate her 32nd birthday on June 1st, which is quite a remarkable feat. The current record holder, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, is a sprightly 27-year-old cat named Flossie who resides in Kent. However, in comparison to Rosie, Flossie is practically a youngster!

Rosie belongs to Lila Brissett, who was quoted as saying, "This beautiful thing was handed to me in a cane basket as a kitten in 1991 — and the rest is history." Awwwww. She probably meant to be quoted as saying "hisssssstory."

Rosie's owner continued, "She's only been to the vet twice in her life. Once to be spayed in the 90s, and 5 years ago to get antibiotics for a cyst on her head. She's quite a character. She's still got all her teeth."

Viewer @LynnIssacs comments, "Aw wow, she's a little cutie and has done so well." @Jaynestone feels a lot of sympathy for Rosie and says, "Blimey! She looks absolutely knackered!" Who can blame her? That's so old for a cat! So many years of chasing birds and mice and making biscuits. @Vickysmith adds an amazingly touching comment with, "My cat appeared in our wheelbarrow, when I was going through an incredibly tough time. She lived to the age of 20, and passed a few days after the person that that had given me problems died!! I'm sure she was saying, 'I have done everything I can to support you, and now he is gone, you are safe!' She was my beauty girl and I will always love her!!!" @Teresa replies, "Fantastic age my first cat lived till she was 20 but I think animals get to a certain age & they have had enough I suppose it’s like humans really with aches & pains." I think a lot of us can feel that!

It's amazing to see how these beloved cats can live such long lives, bringing joy and companionship to their owners for many years. Happy almost birthday sweet Rosie, and congrats on living to be such a ripe old age!

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