Gordon Ramsay Showed Lil Nas X How to Make Paninis

Lil Nas X has emerged out of nowhere — or more accurately, off his sister’s couch — to become one of the biggest surprise musical success stories since maybe Nirvana thanks to his hip-hop/country crossover “Old Town Road.” Almost as surprisingly, he followed up that smash hit with a Nirvana-interpolating song named after a sandwich, “Panini.” But though Lil Nas X’s choices can seem a bit unorthodox, he clearly knows what he’s doing: “Panini” helped land the rising star a hang with Gordon Ramsay.

Ian West - PA Images/Contributor / FOX/Contributor / Getty Images
Ian West - PA Images/Contributor / FOX/Contributor / Getty Images

On Monday, Lil Nas X — who owes much of his success to social media — reached out to Gordon Ramsay on Twitter writing, “teach me how to make paninis while i’m still London.”

Ramsay, who knows a thing or two about self-promotion too, tweeted back just 16 minutes later with “Name the day....”

That day was apparently July 3. On Wednesday, the two celebrities returned to Twitter to post photos of their panini-making meet up. “Paninis. Done,” Ramsay wrote. “@LilNasX enjoy @LuckyCatGR,” the chef then added, name-dropping his new Lucky Cat Asian Eating House where this impromptu cooking lesson apparently took place.

Lil Nas X posted two photos of his own, simply stating, “me & @gordonramsay made paninis,” followed by a couple sandwich emojis and the sunglasses smiley face emoji (which belongs with pretty much any Lil Nas X tweet right now).

Other details about this unexpected encounter are slim. For instance, what kind of paninis were they? It’s not entirely clear. However, two additional tweets reveal two small insights. First, Lil Nas X said that “no sadly” Gordon Ramsay did not yell at him with one of his signature outbursts. And yet when asked whether he used an ax to make the sandwiches, Lil Nas X said, “yes.” So apparently nothing is to be believed here. But hey, if you had to describe Lil Nas X’s life at the moment, I think “unbelievable” would be a fitting descriptor.