Golden Retriever's Perfect Big Brother Skills Make Him the Best Babysitter Ever

It's no secret that dogs--all species of canines, really-- are pack animals. They love being around their family, whether it's a pack of wild dingos in Australia or a spoiled lap dog in San Francisco. Whether their family is human or canine, most dogs thrive when living alongside loved ones.

Some pups, though, go above and beyond for their loved ones. Just try not to melt at the sight of Beau the Golden Retriever and his dedication to his baby human brother! They've had the sweetest relationship since the infant came home from the hospital, and it's no wonder why Beau makes the best babysitter. In fact, his parents listed all the reasons why this dog is the greatest big brother, and each reason is cuter than the last.

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Aww! This Golden Retriever's bond with the baby is so precious that I can hardly contain myself, but I can only imagine how enchanted these guys' parents are when they see them cuddling up like they do. When I saw @beaunosebones' gentle kisses for the baby, I nearly teared up!

Naturally, commenters were just as in love with this duo as I am. @Jurismita.bhuyan gushed, "This is the cutest thing I have watched in my entire life," and I'd have to agree! Beau is such a gentle hearted dog to begin with, but it looks like everything fell into place when he became a big brother.

Many dog owners who become parents will tell you how quickly most pups learn how to interact with babies. They instinctually know to be gentle and accepting, and--as big brother Beau proved--they often become the baby's first protector and best friend. Could it get any better than that?

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