Golden Retriever's Love for Golf Cart Rides Wins the Internet

What this pup wants, this pup gets!

Any pro-parent will tell new parents to not give in to what their children want. You don't want the kids to start expecting that they can get anything and everything. But, of course, that's a lot easier said than done.

We think it's especially hard as dog parents because how could anyone say no to puppy dog eyes? At least we know we aren't the only ones who give in. TikTok user @agoldennamedkevin's Golden Retriever wants one thing and one thing only - a golf cart ride. And in this instance, the dog's parents give in with no hesitation. Take a look!

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LOL! See? We told you it's harder saying no when you have a dog asking so nicely for things. We'd give this dog all the golf cart rides his little heart desires. Just look at that big smile plastered on his face. He's having the time of his life!

The creator wrote in the comments, "King Kevin," and now we can't unsee it. He's totally a king in that house because his parents will do anything for him or give him whatever he wants. Don't worry, we're guilty of that too! @ryanx313 added, "Kevin be traveling in style." Right?! Our ride situation is not nearly as cool as Kevin's. Maybe he'll share with us one day!

"What Kevin wants, Kevin gets. I don't blame you, can't resist that squishy face," commented @anchalotta_wants_it_all. That's what we're saying! If we were Kevin's parents, he'd have a fleet of golf carts at this point. LOL!

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