Golden Retriever's Funny Game of 'Closet Hide-n-Seek' Is Simply the Best

You've got to love dogs. It's the smallest things that can make them happy — and usually it's something totally goofy too. Like one Golden Retriever, whose parents figured out that he loves to greet his owners so now they play a special game of "hide-n-seek."

We really have to learn the backstory here. When did his owners realize that the number one thing that Bonchi loves to do is say hello?

In a clip Bonchi's owner shared online, it shows the dog's owner opening the closet door for the Golden Retriever and then closing it once the pup was inside.

Related: Golden Retriever Chews a Hole in Owner's Curtains and Total Hilarity Ensues

"Bye!" his owner said. "Ciao, ciao!" he called.

He then gave it a beat, before opening the door to the happiest Golden ever.

"Hi, buddy!" the man exclaimed. "It's been a minute," he joked.

"He likes to go in the closet and then gets excited when we open the door," he explained in the onscreen caption.

We sort of get it. It's like every time Bonchi comes out of the closet he gets to tell his owners how much he missed them.

"The world doesn’t deserve Bonchi," his owner wrote in the caption. That's for sure, and people in the comments section agreed the pup was just too pure.

"I feel like this is his way of pretending to come home to you guys waiting for him like he does when he’s waiting for you," one commenter pointed out. "He’s playing peekaboo," another commenter teased. "It has indeed not been a min but a few seconds, they do get excited for literally anything," another person cracked. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder," one person mused.

Games to Play with Your Dog

We have to imagine that this is one of Bonchi's favorite games to play. And it makes sense! Dogs are very playful and are very responsive to games that they play with their owners.

Go fetch is obviously a classic for a reason. It gets out all that puppy energy and is a great game to play in a large space like the dog park.

Tug-of-war is another game that really gets dogs going. The real problem is that many of them try to play this game with less-than-ideal things — like a sock or sometimes even a freshly laundered t-shirt.

Creating obstacle courses for your dog may take a little time, but is worth it in the end. Use sturdy household objects or take it outside and make a course that will challenge your dog in every way.

Remember, playtime is crucial for dogs. It's a way for them to understand the world around them and release all that puppy energy. Any of these games would be tons of fun for them. Or be like Bonchi's owners and come up with a game totally your own.

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